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List of oral presentations

List of poster presentations

Detailed programme

  1. Risk analysis, finances and contractual relationships
  2. Geological and geotechnical investigations
  3. Tunnelling in soft ground with shotcrete method
  4. Cut- and cover constructions
  5. Mechanized tunnelling
  6. Monitoring, settlement control
  7. Quality Management
  8. Miscellaneous (storing facilities, research and developmrnt, etc)
  9. Architectural design, structural design and management policy
  10. City, tunnel, environment and safety
  11. Maintenance, repair and rehabilitation
  12. Special tunnels (long tunnels)



Authors are kindly requested to submit an abstract of 300–500 words on the congress topics. Please, ensure that your abstract is submitted before 20 October, 2008. All abstracts are expected to be submitted preferably through the Congress website online or by e-mail addressed to After the completion of abstract review by the Scientific and Selection Committee, authors of the accepted papers will be notified until 30 November, 2008.

Full-length papers and extended abstracts are to be submitted online not later than 28 February, 2009.
Click here to see the instructions for the submission of final papers.

Extended abstracts (2–3 pages) are needed for publishing the proceedings, whereas full papers (max 6–8 pages) will be issued on a CD-ROM. All abstracts are welcome in the topics listed on the previous page and others related to tunnelling and underground space technologies. Colleagues intending to contribute with papers and participate in the Congress are required to arrange preliminary registration online via the Congress website.

Papers should contain

  • a descriptive title, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s)
  • the address for correspondence (including telephone, fax and e-mail) and preferred type of presentation (oral or poster)
  • the text must include an introduction (objectives), methods, results and conclusions.

Official language

The official language of the Congress will be English. All abstracts have to be written in English and will be accepted only in English. Certificate to be given by the authors The author(s) certify that the abstracts of the proposed paper(s) submitted, for consideration for the congress, are original and new contribution. It is accepted by the authors that abstracts, extended abstracts and buy research papers will be available on all of means of publications of the Congress, such as CD-ROM and website

Important dates and deadlines concerning the papers

Abstract submission: 20 October, 2008
Notification of abstract acceptance: 30 November, 2008
Full length paper and extended abstract submission: 28 February, 2009