Pre-Congress Educational Training Course

The theme of the course will be Risks during Construction of Urban Tunnels in Soft Ground under the scientific coordination of A. Assis (ITA CET President), D. Peila (ITA WG 18 Animateur) and M. Thewes (ITA Executive Council). Participation is highly recommended for young engineers as it serves an excellent opportunity for theoretical and practical training.

The official language of the workshop is English.

Venue and date

Venue: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, building A (XI. distr., Egry József u. 20–22)

Date: Friday, 22 May – Saturday, 23 May

Registration fees

For young (max. 30 years old) engineers in advance

216 EUR

on-site payment

240 EUR

For any other persons in advance

240 EUR

on-site payment

264 EUR

Registration is available via on-line. The Pre-Congress Educational Training Course and WTC has a joint on-line registration system. Please choose the appropriate registration category. For further non-scientific questions use the e-mail

Registration fee for the course participants include

 - Participation in the course– Course material
 - Welcome reception (22 May)
 - Coffee breaks (22–23 May)
 - Lunches (22–23 May)




Suggested hotels, which are close to the venue (Pre-Congress Education):

Hotel prices are in EUR, per room per night, including breakfast and all kinds of taxes.
Hotel booking is possible via email through the organisers at

Peregrinus Hotel - /map/

Address: H-1056 Budapest, Szerb utca 3.

Single room: 68 Euro/room /night

Double room: 80 Euro/room /night

Hostel Marco Polo - /map/

Address: H-1072 Budapest, Nyár utca 6.

Single room: 54 Euro/room /night

Double room: 66 Euro/room /night

You are able to book hotel room in the suggested hotels till 17 April, 2009.

Further hotel can be found at  or

Using these 2 websites you have to arrange the booking and payment on your own.