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International Step by Step Association (ISSA) 9th Annual Conference

9-12 October 2008, Budapest, Hungary (296 persons)

1st Central and Eastern European Summit on Preconception Health and Prevention of Birth Defects

27-30 August 2008, Budapest, Hungary (111 persons)

15th International Symposium on Inventories

22-26 August 2008, Budapest, Hungary (136 persons)

6th International Conference on Urban Pests

13-16 July 2008, Budapest, Hungary (238 persons)

Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems (RADAM-2008)

13-15 June 2008, Debrecen, Hungary (63 persons) | Website

Semmelweis Egyetem PhD Tudományos Napok 2008

10-11 April 2008, Budapest, Hungary (132 persons) | Website

Eurometal Steel Net Forum

3-4 April 2008, Budapest, Hungary (103 persons)

3rd International Workshop on High-pT Physics at LHC

16-19 March 2008, Tokaj, Hungary (39 persons) | Website

CCMAS 29 Session CODEX Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling

10-14 March 2008, Budapest, Hungary (160 persons)


ESF-COST Workshop Forward Look European Food Systems in a Changing World

4-6 November 2007, Budapest, Hungary (61 persons)

Számvitel és könyvvizsgálat konferencia

24-25 October 2007, Budapest, Hungary (120 persons)

Magyar Immunológiai Társaság XXXVI. Vándorgyűlése

17-19 October 2007, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary (171 persons)

VI. Országos Anyagtudományi Konferencia

14-16 October 2007, Siófok, Hungary (132 persons)

6th International Conference on NDE in Relation to Structural Integrity for Nuclear and Pressurised Components

8-10 October 2007, Budapest, Hungary (241 persons) | Website

Eötvös Superstring Workshop 2007

3-7 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary (36 persons)

3rd International Congress on Stress Responses in Biology and Medicine

23-26 August 2007, Budapest, Hungary (890 persons)

Zimányi 75 Memorial Workshop on Hadronic and Quark Matter

2-4 July 2007, Budapest, Hungary (40 persons) | Website

Central and Eastern European Steel and Metal Distribution Conference

15 June 2007, Budapest, Hungary (121 persons)

1st International Symposium on Genetic and Immune Correlates of HIV Infection and Vaccine-Induced Immunity

10-13 June 2007, Budapest, Hungary (97 persons)

11th European Automotive Congress – “Automobile for the Future”

30 May-1 June 2007, Budapest, Hungary (270 persons)

IDDRG 2007 – Conference Forming the future

21-23 May 20076, Győr, Hungary (121 persons)

Mobile Optical Wireless – MOW2007

14-18 May 2007, Budapest, Hungary (180 persons)


12-13 April 2007, Budapest, Hungary (96 persons)

II. European Conference on Higher Education Marketing

4-6 April 2007, Budapest, Hungary (53 persons)


5-9 March 2007, Budapest, Hungary (159 persons)


Central European Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference

6-8 November 2006, Eger, Hungary (46 persons)


8-12 October 2006, Budapest, Hungary (390 persons)

Diffusion and Stresses International Conference

19-22 September 2006, Lillafüred, Hungary (37 persons)

16th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations (MDO 2006)

3-7 September 2006, Budapest, Hungary (409 persons)

6th European Solid Mechanics Conference

28 August-1 September 2006, Budapest, Hungary (330 persons)

VIIIth European Congress on Telepathology and 2nd International Congress on Virtual Microscopy

6-8 July 2006, Budapest, Hungary (145 persons)


22-24 June 2006, Budapest, Hungary (50 persons) | Website

XIII. FECHEM Conference on Heterocicles in Bioorganic Chemistry

28-31 May 2006, Sopron, Hungary (91 persons)


15-19 May 2006, Budapest, Hungary (130 persons)

3rd International Conference on Thermal Process Modelling and Simulation

26-28 April 2006, Budapest, Hungary (62 persons)

Semmelweis Egyetem PhD Tudományos Napok 2006

13-14 April 2006, Budapest, Hungary (120 persons)

International Workshop on Hot and Dense Matter in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

9-12 April 2006, Budapest, Hungary (120 persons) | Website

XII. Logisztikai Fórum és Bál

23-24 February 2006, Budapest, Hungary (138 persons)


Biológiai alapok a növénytermesztésben – XVII. országos konferencia

7 December 2005, Budapest, Hungary (148 persons)

Nature Conference on Environmental and Genetic Interactions in Disease Development – NCEG

11 November 2005, Budapest, Hungary (42 persons)

Semmelweis Symposium: Inflammatory mechanisms in atherosclerosis – A critical appraisal

3-4 November 2005, Budapest, Hungary (98 persons)

Magyar Immunológiai Társaság Vándorgyűlése

19-22 October 2005, Sopron, Hungary (218 persons)

V. Országos Anyagtudományi, Anyagvizsgálati és Anyaginformatikai Konferencia és Kiállítás

9-11 October 2005, Balatonfüred, Hungary (155 persons)

13th Euroconference on Apoptosis (European Cell Death Organisation)

1-4 October 2005, Budapest, Hungary (345 persons)

36th International Symposium on Essential Oils

4-7 September 2005, Budapest, Hungary (167 persons)

XXXVI. Meeting of Bus and Coach Experts and Congress on Commercial Vehicles

29-31 August 2005, Budapest, Hungary (149 persons)

Quark Matter 2005 Conference

4-9 August 2005, Budapest, Hungary (604 persons) | Website

29th Johns Hopkins Workshop in Theoretical Physics

1-3 August 2005, Budapest, Hungary (45 persons)

EurOMA International Conference Operations and Global Competitiveness

19-21 June 2005, Budapest, Hungary (310 persons)

35. Membrán-Transzport Konferencia

24-27 May 2005, Sümeg, Hungary (80 persons)

European Society for Paediatric Haematology and Immunology (ESPHI) Biannual Meeting

5-7 May 2005, Budapest, Hungary (76 persons)

PHD Tudományos Napok

14-15 April 2005, Budapest, Hungary (153 persons)

CCMAS 26 Session

2-8 April 2005, Budapest, Hungary (140 persons)


“Biológiai Alapok az Állattenyésztésben” Konferencia 2004

7 December 2004, Budapest, Hungary (188 persons)

Mágikus vonzás – Szupravezetés közelről (interaktív kiállítás)

22-25 November 2004, Budapest, Hungary

M-GOV2004 The First International Conference on M-GOVERNMENT (Mobile Telecommunication Applied in Public Administration)

28-29 October 2004, Budapest, Hungary (40 persons)

1st International Conference on Basic and Clinical Immunogenomics

3-7 October 2004, Budapest, Hungary (428 persons)

8th Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition

23-26 September 2004, Budapest, Hungary (76 persons)

OECD Working Group Meeting

5-7 September 2004, Budapest, Hungary (71 persons)

8th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions

1-3 September 2004, Debrecen, Hungary (81 persons)


4-6 July 2004, Budapest, Hungary (91 persons)


10-12 June 2004, Budapest, Hungary (231 persons)

IAC Meeting of Molkerei Meggle Wasserburg

23-26 May 2004, Budapest, Hungary (58 persons)

27th ISTA Congress

13-24 May 2004, Budapest, Hungary (490 persons)

CEFood Congress

26-28 April 2004, Budapest, Hungary (214 persons)

PHD Tudományos Napok

8-9 April 2004, Budapest, Hungary (160 persons)

CCMAS 25 Session

8-12 March 2004, Budapest, Hungary (130 persons)


Cytogenetic Biomarkers and Human Cancer Risk (CancerRiskBiomarkers) – 4th Meeting

28-29 November 2003, Budapest, Hungary (30 persons)

6th European Congress of the European Bioelectromagnetics Association

13-15 November 2003, Budapest, Hungary (252 persons)

Semmelweis Symposium

6-7 November 2003, Budapest, Hungary (150 persons)

Magyar Immunológiai Társaság XXXIII. Vándorgyűlése

15-17 October 2003, Győr, Hungary (169 persons)

IV. Országos Anyagtudományi, Anyagvizsgálati és Anyaginformatikai Konferencia és Kiállítás

12-14 October 2003, Balatonfüred, Hungary (151 persons) | Website


28 September-2 October 2003, Budapest, Hungary (381 persons)

11th Microcoll Conference

10-11 September 2003, Budapest, Hungary (61persons)

International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics

10-12 September 2003, Budapest, Hungary (150 persons)

23rd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts

26-29 August 2003, Budapest, Hungary (182 persons)

13th International Conference on the Strength of Materials

25-30 August 2003, Budapest, Hungary (281 persons)

Eötvös Graduate School of Physics Common Trends in Cosmology and Particle Physics

23-29 June 2003, Balatonfüred, Hungary (57 persons)

European Geothermal Conference 2003

25-30 May 2003, Szeged, Hungary (164 persons)

PhD Tudományos Napok 2003

10-11 April 2003, Budapest, Hungary (120 persons)

7th IFIP Working Conference on Optical Network Design & Modelling

3-5 February 2003, Budapest, Hungary (129 persons)


Magyar Humángenetikai Társaság 2002. Évi Nagygyűlése

22-23 November 2002, Budapest, Hungary (151 persons)

EPS-12 – General Conference Trends in Physics

26-30 August 2002, Budapest, Hungary (470 persons) | Website

Magyar Radiológus Asszisztensek VII. Kongresszusa

11-13 July 2002, Gödöllő, Hungary (581 persons)

ICC Conference 2002

26-29 May 2002, Budapest, Hungary (129 persons)


26-29 May 2002, Budapest, Hungary (102 persons)

XXXIst Meeting of the European Histamine Research Society

22-26 May 2002, Eger, Hungary (98 persons)


Elektronikus aláírás, nyilatkozattétel, szerződéskötés, okiratok és ügyintézés a gyakorlatban

8 November 2001, Budapest, Hungary (104 persons)

III. Országos Anyagtudományi, Anyagvizsgálati és Anyaginformatikai Konferencia és Kiállítás

14-17 October 2001, Balatonfüred, Hungary (161 persons)

Fifth European Conference on Applications of Meteorology

24-28 September 2001, Budapest, Hungary (302 persons)

Annual Symposium of the European Academy of Nutritional Sciences

24-25 August 2001, Budapest, Hungary (93 persons)

HEP High Energy Physics Conference 2001

12-18 July 2001, Budapest, Hungary (599 persons)

World Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

8-10 July 2001, Budapest, Hungary (380 persons)

Ninth IFIP Working Conference

27-29 June 2001, Budapest, Hungary (90 persons)

IMTC 2001

21-23 May 2001, Budapest, Hungary (400 persons)

Rapid and Automated Methods in Food Microbiology

8-11 May 2001, Budapest, Hungary (36 persons)

Távközlési Érdekegyeztető Fórum Konferenciája

18 January 2001, Budapest, Hungary (186 persons)


High Speed Network 2000, Autumn Workshop

28-29 November 2000, Budapest, Hungary (160 persons)

4th Central European Symposium of Radiographers

9-11 November 2000, Budapest, Hungary (348 persons)

XXXth International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics

9-15 October 2000, Tihany, Hungary (119 persons) | Website

XIVth International Symposium on the Reactivity of Solids

27-31 August 2000, Budapest, Hungary (216 persons)

30th Annual Meeting of EEMS

22-26 August 2000, Budapest, Hungary (300 persons)

6th Advanced Studies on Superconducting Engineering

1-9 July 2000, Eger, Hungary (51 persons)

The Sixth International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation

28-30 June 2000, Budapest, Hungary (65 persons)

7th International Symposium on Electrochemical Methods in Corrosion Research

28 May-1 June 2000, Budapest, Hungary (216 persons)

Internet, Elektronikus Kereskedelem

10 May 2000, Budapest, Hungary (191 persons)


Magyar Onkológusok Társasága XXIII. Kongresszusa

12-14 November 1999, Budapest, Hungary (401 persons)

2nd European Conference on Neutron Scattering

1-4 September 1999, Budapest, Hungary (550 persons)

7th European ISSX Meeting

22-26 August 1999, Budapest, Hungary (308 persons)

5th International Summer School and Scientific Workshop on High Temperature Superconductivity

17-25 July 1999, Eger, Hungary (49 persons)

International Forum of Young Scientists

23-24 June 1999, Budapest, Hungary (141 persons)

X. Magyar Anatómus Kongresszus

3-5 June 1999, Budapest, Hungary (79 persons)

I. Magyar Mikológiai Konferencia

26-28 May 1999, Budapest, Hungary (124 persons)

10th Microcoll Conference

21-25 March 1999, Budapest, Hungary (104 persons)

Korrózió, Korrózió- és Környezetvédelem

2-3 March 1999, Budapest, Hungary (42 persons)

VII. Sejt- és Fejlődésbiológiai Napok

17-20 January 1999, Budapest, Hungary (91 persons)


XIVth International Conference on Microwave Ferrites

11-15 October 1998, Eger, Hungary (49 persons)

5th Japan-Hungary Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics in Materials and Computational Technology

24-26 September 1998, Budapest, Hungary (49 persons)

2nd Intergovernmental Meeting on Water and Health

21-24 September 1998, Budapest, Hungary (100 persons)

7th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions

9-11 September 1998, Debrecen, Hungary (74 persons)

4th International Summer School on High Temperature Superconductivity

18-26 July 1998, Eger, Hungary(42 persons)

2eme Congres Francophone et Est-Europeen d’Imagerie Medicale

23-27 June 1998, Budapest, Hungary (300 persons)

International Conference on Applied Optical Metrology

8-11 June 1998 Balatonfüred, Hungary (90 persons)

XXVth International Congress on Electrocardiology, 39th International Symposium on Vectorcardiography

3-6 June 1998, Budapest, Hungary (198 persons)

VII. International Scientific Conference on Combustion and Heat Techniques

27-29 May 1998, Miskolc, Hungary (56 persons)

Magyar Radiológusok Társasága Fóruma

16-17 May 1998, Eger, Hungary (186 persons)

Janssen-Cilag Nephrológiai Napok

15-16 May 1998, Eger, Hungary (127 persons)

31st International Symposium on Archaeometry

27 April-1 May 1998, Budapest, Hungary (260 persons)

Az Oktatás Európai Integrációja

17-18 April 1998, Budapest, Hungary (242 persons)

Incentive Sales Meeting of Johnson and Johnson Poland, Janssen Cilag

5-9 January 1998, Budapest, Hungary (80 persons)


Magyar Sportorvos Társaság Kongresszusa

20-22 November 1997, Budapest, Hungary (220 persons)

Magyar Onkológusok Társasága XXII. Nemzeti Kongresszusa

10-12 November 1997 Budapest, Hungary (320 persons)

Magyar Nőgyógyász Onkológus Társasága Kerekasztal Szimpóziuma

8 November 1997, Budapest, Hungary (50 persons)

Semmelweis Szimpózium

6-7 November 1997, Budapest, Hungary (350 persons)

International Workshop on Segregation Boundaries

14-18 September 1997, Balatonföldvár, Hungary (40 persons)

Interfacial Phenomena in Composite Materials ’97

1-3 September 1997, Eger, Hungary (120 persons)

XVth International Seminar on Ion-Atom Collisions

30 July-1 August 1997, Budapest, Hungary (150 persons) | Website

3rd International Summer School on High Temperature Superconductivity

19-27 July 1997, Eger, Hungary (55 persons)

Strong and Electroweak Matter ’97 Workshop

21-25 May 1997, Eger, Hungary (70 persons)

Socrates Iroda Tájékoztató Konferenciája

14-15 April 1997, Budapest, Hungary (280 persons)

Janssen-Cilag Nephrológiai Napok

11-13 April 1997, Eger, Hungary (105 persons)

Távközlési Érdekegyeztető Fórum Konferenciája

9 April 1997, Budapest, Hungary (154 persons)


Távközlési Érdekegyeztető Fórum Konferenciája

27 November 1996, Budapest, Hungary (140 persons)

2nd Japan Central Europe Joint Workshop on Modelling of Materials and Combustion

6-9 November 1996, Budapest, Hungary (80 persons)

Annual Meeting of the Association of European Journalists

26-30 October 1996, Budapest, Hungary (220 persons)


6-9 October 1996, Budapest, Hungary (150 persons)

IUVSTA Workshop

16-19 September 1996, Balatonföldvár, Hungary (60 persons)

EMLG Annual Meeting

8-12 September 1996, Balatonfüred, Hungary (100 persons)

47th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry

1-6 September 1996, Veszprém-Balatonfüred, Hungary (670 persons)

5th International Conference and Exhibition of the World Congress on Superconductivity

7-11 July 1996, Budapest, Hungary (150 persons)

19th Biennial IDDRG Congress

9-11 June 1996, Eger, Hungary (140 persons)

5th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry

9-11 June 1996, Lillafüred, Hungary (80 persons)

Magyar Radiológusok Társasága XVIII. Kongresszusa

8-11 May 1996, Tihany, Hungary (1200 persons)

Holland-Magyar Oktatási Konferencia

25-26 April 1996, Budapest, Hungary (150 persons)


10th International Conference on Fourier Trasform Spectroscopy

27 August – 1 September 1995, Budapest, Hungary (450 persons)

1st International Summer School on High Temperature Superconductivity

23 July – 5 August 1995, Eger, Hungary (55 persons)

11th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry

10-14 July 1995, Budapest, Hungary (230 persons)

1st International Workshop on Diffusion and Stresses

28-31 May 1995, Balatonfüred, Hungary

Quasicrystals International School

13-20 May 1995, Balatonfüred, Hungary

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