Budapest welcomes the opportunity to host the 11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks, and Digital Signal Processing.
Due to number of requests the deadline has been extended to 14th March.
The aim of CSNDSP 2018 is to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas among engineers, scientists and young researchers from all over the world on advances in communication systems, communications networks and digital signal processing and to provide a focus for future research and developments.
Budapest is a city of water and spas, rendered magical by the Danube River connecting the nations and people of Europe. Hilly landscapes, long history, pleasant climate, rich cultural events, and music prove that the city is indeed a pearl of the Danube. An excellent venue in a peaceful environment and conference hotels are awaiting the guests. Budapest is one of the nicest cities in Europe, easy to reach, and famous for its hospitality, fine food, tasty drinks, and many historical and cultural sites of interest.
We wish you a pleasant and fruitful stay in Budapest during the conference.
The Hungarian Organising Committee
Paper submission
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore and indexed by Thomson Web of Science and Scopus. Papers have to be IEEE Xplore compatible in A4 format. Length of final paper should be from 2 to 6 pages. Templates for MS Word and LaTEX can be downloaded here:
- MS Word Template (recommended)
- LaTEX Template
- LaTEX Bibliography
Final manuscript pdf compatibility
For conversion to PDF and checking of IEEE Xplore format you can use PDF-Express service at: When creating account, you have to insert Conference ID: 43034XP.
Manuscript MUST follow those rules, to be published in IEEE eXplore:
- Minimum PDF version: 1.4
- A4 format
- Minimum font size: 10pt
- Minimum left and right margins 1.2cm
- Minimum top margin 1.9cm
- Minimum bottom margin: 2.9cm
- All fonts have to be embedded. No bookmarks, links, forms and notes allowed. Paper have to start with paper title (no headers or preceding text).
- Before uploading final manuscript, authors are required to fill IEEE copyright form (you will see the link to IEEE eCopyright Form in EDAS, when uploading final manuscript).