Katalin Balogh
EU-OSHA National Focalpoint manager Hungary
Short CV
EU-OSHA Focalpoint manager 2012-
EU-OSHA Board member
Advisory Committee for Safety and Health at Work alternate member
Head of Information Unit, National Research Institute of OSH, Public Foundation for Research on Occupational Safety and Health Hungary 1990-2007
Chemical engineer MSc, OSH expert
Healthy Workplaces Manage dangerous substances EU-OSHA campaign–results and experiences in Hungary
Exposure to dangerous substances is much more common in Europe’s workplaces than most people imagine. Dangerous substances at work can cause a wide range of health problems and diseases, as well as posing safety risks.
The 2018-19 campaign aims to raise awareness of the risks posed by dangerous substances in the workplace and to promote a culture of risk prevention.
The campaign has the following objectives:
- to raise awareness of the importance and relevance of managing dangerous substances in European workplaces;
- to promote risk assessment, elimination and substitution, as well as the hierarchy of prevention measures;
- to raise awareness of the risks linked to exposure to carcinogens at work;
- to target groups of workers with specific needs and increased levels of risk (for example, women, migrants and young people);
- to increase awareness of policy developments and the current legislative framework.
National Focalpoints have an important role in dissemination of EU-OSHA messages. Across the EU 28 Member States and the 3 EEA countries more than 220 campaign activities have organised in the first year of the campaign (2018).
The consequences of exposure to dangerous substances can have a negative effect on quality of life or even be fatal. It is therefore crucial to prevent such risks in all workplaces — no sector is completely free from dangerous substances. Promoting a prevention culture in workplaces will benefit workers, management and even the environment.