Tuesday, 23th of April, 2019
Pre-congress tour – optional programme
Take a virtual tour in the pharma industry at Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC. – We are delighted to confirm that we have a pre-congress tour available to book by logging into your registration record. (menu -> optional programme)
Wednesday, 24th of April, 2019 – Room Magnolia
08:00-09:30 |
Registration, Poster viewing & Exhibition |
09:30-11:00 |
Opening Ceremony Dr. Zoltán Balogh, Dr. Henriett Éva Hirdi, Prof. Dr. Ildikó Horváth, Dr. Gábor Bagdy, |
11:00-11:30 |
Morning Coffee Break, Poster viewing & Exhibition |
11:30-12:30 |
KEYNOTE LECTURES I. Zero Harm and Vision Zero – Health, Safety and Wellbeing at Work
Workforce health = national health. Building sustainable health workforces and celebrating nursing across the WHO European Region |
12:30-14:00 |
Buffet lunch, Exhibition & Poster Session |
14:00-15:30 |
KEYNOTE LECTURES II. The added value of occupational health Healthy workplaces manage dangerous substances EU-OSHA campaign–results and experiences in Hungary Occupational medicine in Hungary |
15:30-16:00 |
Coffee break, Poster viewing & Exhibition |
16:00-17:30 |
Session 1. Occupational health nurses and public health nurses collaborating to improve the health of the nation Demonstrating the value of occupational Health Nursing programs Role of OHNurses in the dissemination of the European „healthy workplaces” campaign in Micro and Small Enterprises Can we value health? Are there economic benefits from establishing a corporate midwife service at Oslo University Hospital? Pre-employment medical consultations by occupational health nurses of mensura: A pilot project in the temporary work sector in Belgium |
17:30-18:00 |
FOHNEU Honorary Membership Award Ceremony |
18:30 |
Welcome reception |
Thursday, 25th of April, 2019 – Room Magnolia & Room Jasmine
Room Magnolia
08:00-09:00 |
Poster viewing & Exhibition |
09:00-10:00 |
KEYNOTE LECTURES III. The wake up call Working conditions and workers’ health and wellbeing in the EU |
10:00-11:00 |
Parallel Session 2. Workplace health promotion over the years: An overview A new framework for worker well-being A correlation study of nursing staff depression and anxiety levels between pediatric and adults intensive care units Participatory approaches for workplace improvements on mental health and job performance among hospital nurses in Japan Lifestyles associated with health loss in workers: a longitudinal study into the work health promotion |
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee break, Poster viewing & Exhibition |
11:30-12:30 |
Parallel Session 3. An organisational approach to occupational health and wellbeing in the national rehabilitation hospital Ireland Determination attitudes and knowledge of nursing students in occupational health and safety Infection prevention and prevention at work hand in hand Flu vaccination coverage Health professionals’ health condition Health risk awareness among healthcare professionals |
12:30-14:00 |
Buffet lunch, Exhibition & Poster Session |
14:00-15:00 |
KEYNOTE LECTURES IV. Health promotion for older workers Multinational Education and Research Collaboration in Occupational Health Nursing |
15:00-15:30 |
Afternoon Coffee Break, Poster viewing & Exhibition |
15:30-17:30 |
Parallel Session 4. The prevalence of needlestick and sharps injuries among healthcare workers in Turkey: A systematic review Global vision about needlestick injuries The situation with regard to needlestick accidents among health workers between 2006 and 2018 Occupational accidents in a large tertiary hospital in Athens Importance and challanges of first aid training at work Implementation of first aid in a company |
Room Jasmine
10:00-11:00 |
Parallel Session 5. Health problems of hairdresser apprentices living in urban city Istanbul The prevention of psychosocial complaints in a bank – insurance company: well being project Assessment of environmental health and knowledge of silicosis among dental technicians Working conditions in immigrants workers in Spain: A qualitative study Health assessment of taxi drivers in the city of Miskolc, Hungary International Commission on Occupational Health |
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee break, Poster viewing & Exhibition |
11:30-12:30 |
Parallel Session 6. Study of management practices for the prevention of occupational diseases in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Quebec Which is the best criterion for detection of noise-induced hearing loss? New indices for the comparison between standard threshold shift criteria Development, implementation and evaluation of a low back pain prevention program Investigating the applicability of an intervention program to manage musculoskeletal disorders at the workplace – a pilot study Occupational rehabilitation through social cooperatives of limited liability. The paradigm of the social cooperative of limited liability of Corfu |
12:30-14:00 |
Buffet lunch, Exhibition & Poster Session |
14:00-15:00 |
No parallel session organised |
15:00-15:30 |
Afternoon Coffee Break, Poster viewing & Exhibition |
15:30-17:30 |
Parallel Session 7. Risk Assessment Method for Biological Agents in Health Care (Biológiai kockázatbecslés módszertana az egészségügyben) The role of the Railway Medical Center Ltd in the Health Assessment to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all Railway employees (A Vasútegészségügyi Nonprofit Kiemelten Közhasznú Kft szerepe és jelentősége a munkaköri orvosi alkalmassági vizsgálatainak elvégzésében a MÁV csoport munkavállalóinak munkahelyi egészsége és biztonsága megteremtésében) Health risks, occupational diseases and prevention for employees at beauty salons (Egészségkárosító kockázatok, megbetegedések és a prevenció lehetőségei a szépségszalonokban dolgozók körében) Community nurses’ challenges and occupational health hazards associated with home health care (Körzeti ápolók kihívásai és foglalkozás-egészségügyi kockázatai a páciensek otthonában történő ellátások során) Career model of occupational health nurses in Hungary (A foglalkozás-egészségügyi ápolók életpályamodellje) |
17:30-19:00 |
Free time and preparing for the Congress Dinner |
19:00 |
Banquet dinner |
Friday, 26th of April, 2019 – Room Magnolia
09:00-10:30 | Session 8. Chair: Judith Fakkel-van den Berge (the Netherlands), Lotte Falck (Denmark) Manual-visual inspection in a pharmaceutical company, what are the ergonomic risks? Application of hospital ergonomics in working environment of wardnurses in health care industry of Uttarakhand, India Workplace visits at Small and Medium-sized Enterprises by occupational health nurses: a practical case report Measuring occupational health and safety in Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SME) Surgical smoke evacuation, how to accomplish a surgical smoke free work environment Evaluation methodology of medical safety device |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00-12:40 | Session 9. Chair: Gema Arévalo Alonso (Spain), Margaret Morrissey (Ireland) Longest unemployed use primary healthcare services the least Nurses’ transition into 12-hour shift work: validating the fit of a total worker health approach to risk reduction The status of management and leadership of occupational health nurses in Finland How to disconnect from work during your holiday? Introduction of the Hungary’s Comprehensive Health Care Screening Programme 2010-2020-2030 Preliminary results and report on occupational health nursing in Europe |
12:40-13:30 | Closing & Awards Ceremony |
14:30-17:30 | Budapest Sightseeing Tour – optional programme We are delighted to confirm that we have a post-congress tour available to book by logging into your registration record. (menu -> optional programme) |
List of posters
P-01 |
Association of occupational noise exposure with cardiovascular diseases among career firefighters in Northern California, USA Dal Lae Chin, OiSaeng Hong |
P-02 |
Bullying among Portuguese nurses: comparative study between Azores Island and continental Portugal Elisabete Borges, Cristina Queirós, Margarida Abreu, Tércio Maio, Antónia Teixeira |
P-03 |
Burnout among nurses in Europe: A comparative study between Portugal, Spain and Italy Elisabete Borges, Raffaella Ruggieri, Cristina Queirós, Maria Pilar Mosteiro, Elena Fiabane |
P-04 |
Comparative study of 4 different airway management devices in Manikins by nurses Argyro Chatzisotiriou, Maria Kapritsou, Styliani Tziaferi, Vassiliki Karra, Maria Kalafati |
P-05 |
Cost-effectiveness analysis after implementation of fast-track protocol in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery Maria Kapritsou, Maria Kalafati, Margarita Giannakopoulou, Styliani Tziaferi, Evangelos A. Konstantinou, Vassiliki Karra, Dimitrios P. Korkolis |
P-06 |
Creating a GIS web application for efficient cost management and control of diagnostic imaging examinations Dimitrios Zarakovitis, Dimitrios Tsoromokos, Styliani Tziaferi, Athina Lazakidou |
P-07 |
Descriptive study of day care anaesthesia Maria Kapritsou, Anastasia Alvanou, Maria Kalafati, Spiridoula Mperdousi, Christina Georgopoulou, Maria Koletsi, Anastasia Papathanasopoulou, Dimitra Vasilopoulou, Eunomia Vrachnou-Alexopoulou |
P-08 |
Do perceptions of locus of control influence industrial workers’ engagement in occupational health and safety? Julie M.C. Staun |
P-09 |
Does working with a sit-stand desk improve musculoskeletal health? Judith Fakkel-van den Berge |
P-10 |
Evaluating error correlation between the use of digital pen & paper technology and the users satisfaction degree of the DPP4ICU application Dimitrios Tsoromokos, Dimitrios Zarakovitis, Styliani Tziaferi, Athina Lazakidou |
P-11 |
Evaluation of occupational health nurse’ interventions in the military vehicle maintenance repair factory Melek Nihal Esin, Emine Aktaş, Mine Bahar |
P-12 |
Evulation of occupational health nurses’ interventions in a health unit of University Campus Melek Nihal Esin, Ayşe Dost, Emine Aktaş, Elif Üner |
P-13 |
Geographical information systems and financial analysis of Non-Ionizing Radiation (NIR) for diagnostic purposes Dimitrios Tsoromokos, Dimitrios Zarakovitis, Styliani Tziaferi, Athina Lazakidou |
P-14 |
Humanitarian workers’ mental health; state of art and prevention of work disability Jacinthe Douesnard, Grazia Ceschi, Lindsay Ouellet |
P-15 |
Impact of an antenatal breastfeeding course in terms of breastfeeding knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy and perceived barriers among working, or not, pregnant women in Greece Maria Iliadou, Katerina Lykeridou, Panagiotis Prezerakos, Styliani G Tziaferi |
P-16 |
Influenza vaccination of healthcare workers: Overview of systematic reviews and meta-analysis Panagiota Kalatzi, Maria Iliadou, Styliani Tziaferi |
P-17 |
Investigating the users satisfaction degree of DPP4ICU application in the intensive care units of public hospitals Dimitrios Tsoromokos, Dimitrios Zarakovitis, Styliani Tziaferi, Athina Lazakidou |
P-18 |
Is night shift work associated with breast cancer risk among nursing staff? Maria Iliadou, Panagiota Kalatzi, Styliani G. Tziaferi |
P-19 |
Living with diabetes at the workplace: Implications for nurse education Claire Farrugia Imbroll, Maria Cassar |
P-20 |
Migrant workers re-joined wives’ perspective on health issues and social integration Mirko Prosen, Sabina Ličen, Igor Karnjuš |
P-21 |
Portuguese results of INT-SO: An international project about occupational health of Portuguese, Brazilian and Spanish nurses Elisabete Borges, Cristina Queirós, Maria Pilar Mosteiro, Patricia Baptista, Vanda Felli, Margarida Abreu |
P-22 |
Postoperative pain perception between nurses and oncological patients undergoing hepatectomy and pancreatectomy using visual analogue scale and observational & behavioral pain scales Maria Kapritsou, Maria Kalafati, Margarita Giannakopoulou, Styliani Tziaferi, Dimitrios P. Korkolis, Tasoula Siskou, Vassiliki Karra, Evangelos A. Konstantinou |
P-23 |
Professional quality of life of nursing and its relationship with patient safety: Analysis in Portuguese and Brazilian contexts Edenise Maria Santos da Silva Batalha, Elisabete Maria das Neves Borges, Marta Maria Melleiro |
P-24 |
Teamwork in operating room and its impact on patient safety and the personnel Petros Kolovos, Styliani Tziaferi |
P-25 |
The phenomenon of mobbing among health professionals in a Greek public hospital: A qualitative study Aristotelis Koinis, Emmanouil Velonakis, Foteini Tzavella, Styliani Tziaferi |
P-26 |
The vitality scan: Assessing workers’ health and lifestyle behavior and interests to build sustainable health and lifestyle policies in organizations Nancy Doyen, Erik Carlier, Mathieu Verbrugghe |
P-27 |
Work related quality of life and turnover intention of nursing staffs: A longitudinal study Vasiliki Katsikavali, Dafni Kaitelidou, Chrysoula Lemonidou, Panayota Sourtzi |
P-28 |
Industrial welfare nurse courses in Hungary between 1933 and 1945 Dr. Henriett Éva Hirdi |