Author Guidelines &
Call for Papers
Oral presentations:
- Invited paper presentation time is 20 min, short discussion included
- Regular paper presentation time is 15 min, short discussion included
Please note that there is no additional discussion at the end of the sessions.
Poster presentations:
- Poster boards have ~90×120 cm PORTRAIT oriented surfaces, covered with textile. We recommend to print standard A0 posters (width: 841mm | height: 1189mm), pins to mount posters are to be covered by the organisers.
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ICTON Conference | | Microcoll Workshop please note that abstract submission by any Microcoll registration fee is limited to 2
The scope of the Conference is concentrated on the applications of transparent and all-optical technologies in telecommunications, computing and novel applications, and includes:
- Digital all-optical networks
- Ultra-dense wavelength-division multiplexing
- Ultra-fast optical time domain multiplexing
- Next generation networking
- Optical switching and routing (WAOR)
- Optical packet networks and services
- Optical memories and data storage
- Optical transparency and network scalability
- Network reliability and availability (RONEXT)
- Wireless and optical networking (GOWN)
- Radio-over-fibre transmission
- Broadband metro and access networks
- Broadband metro and access networks
- Market in telecommunications (MARS)
- Photonic band-gap structures (ESPC)
- Photonic crystal fibres
- Nonlinear and active PBG devices
- Nanoscale and ultrafast photonics (NAON)
- VCSELs and other novel light sources
- Microresonators and photonic molecules (MPM)
- Novel glasses
- New transmission windows
- Polarisation mode dispersion
- Photonic component integration (PICAW)
- Network planning and design tools
- Non-conventional optical communications
- Sub-wavelength photonic devices (SWP)
- Communication in transportation systems (CTS)
- Microwave Circuits and Systems (MICROCOLL)
- Other relevant topics
Authors are cordially encouraged to submit their contributions (max. of 4 pages in MS Word accompanied by a PDF version, template) for Regular and Poster Sessions by e-mail to icton(at) by March 31, 2015.
Please note that abstract submission by any Microcoll registration fee is limited to 2 abstracts.
The authors will be notified on the acceptance by April 30, 2015. Post-deadline papers with very recent results are requested by June 1, 2015.
For further informations, please visit the Conference Originator webpage.