PhD Scientific Meeting 2012 12-13 April 2012
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The School of Ph.D. Studies, Semmelweis University will organize its two-days conference in April 12-13, 2012 in its Academic Studies Building at Nagyvárad Square, Budapest. The main goal of the event is to create a forum for Ph. D candidates in the field of biomedicine to present their work, and to offer an opportunity for enhancing their scientific contacts and cooperation. It also aims to cover issues and problems which may arise in connection with the course of Ph.D training and grading.
The core of the two-days conference consists of oral presentations and posters on topics chosen mainly by candidates themselves.
Both days invited lecturers will summarize issues on topics attracting general interest.
We welcome everybody on behalf of the School of Ph.D. Studies, Semmelweis University.
Budapest, 10 January 2012
Dr. Károly Rácz
Chair of the Doctorial Council
Semmelweis University