Submission / Presentation guides

Registration becomes valid by submitting the maximum one-page abstract of the presentation/poster.

Publication will be published in the Abstract Volume of the conference, so please follow the following guidelines:

Please use Microsoft Word (.doc .rtf) All pdf submissions will be re-send for format change.

The header of the Abstract should contain the following elements:
Title (16pt), authors (please underline the presenting author’s name, do not use titles, 14pt), workplace (14pt), body text (please use Times New Roman, 12 pt)

The abstract should not exceed 300 words. After the body text of the abstract please indicate:

  • the name of the Doctoral School (Basic Medicine, Clinical Medicine …etc),
  • the title of the Program (Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases, The Mechanisms of Normal and Pathologic Functions of the Circulatory System…etc),
  • the name of the Supervisor
  • and the E-mail address of the presenter.
  • Please specify whether it is preferred to be presented as an oral presentation or a poster.

Presentations can be held either in Hungarian or in English, however all abstracts should be submitted in English. Please click here to download abstract template.

Click here to submit an abstract >>

Guide for oral presenters:


All oral presentations will be 10 minutes long including the discussion.
Presentations should be prepared in ppt / pptx (up to Microsoft Office 2007) format, and should be uploaded latest in the break before the session. If you have a special element in the presentation (video, flash object, special animation), please arrange the upload earlier and pay some time for a slidecheck.

Guide for poster presenters:


Posters should be prepared in portrait A0 size (841 mm width x 1189 mm height). Poster boards will be marked with the lecture code (will be available in the book of abstract), pins for the mounting will be provided by the organisers.
Please note that the organisers cannot take the responsibility for the mounting of non-standard size, or positioning!