Call for Papers & Author Guidelines



The main streams of the workshop are organized around the following topics:

  • Space photometry revolution and RR Lyrae stars
  • Dynamical phenomena – Blazhko effect
  • Advances in numerical modeling
  • Pulsation and evolution
  • RR Lyrae stars as galactic structure tracers
  • Gaia and the RR Lyrae stars
  • Large sky surveys (OGLE, VVV, Catalina Sky Survey, Pan-STARRS, DES, LSST, etc)
  • RR Lyrae and Cepheids: similarities and differences

All abstract submissions must be made online before 31 July 2015.
EXTENDED to August 31

(please note, that abstract creation becomes available after pre-registration only)

Formal requirements

  • All abstracts must be written in English
  • The abstract text should be within 2000 characters (including spaces), typeface: Arial Type, 12 pt, single space
  • The abstract title must be brief (max. 2 lines allowed in “Title Case” format) and clearly indicate the nature of the investigation
  • Full name of author(s), (Please write the full name for all co-authors, do not use initials)
  • Affiliation of author(s)
  • In case of multiple authors / affiliations, please use index numbers in superscript

The abstract must represent original work and should be as informative as possible. Conclusions must be supported by data. It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any error in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author. Submitted abstracts can be seen, updated or deleted within the whole period of the abstract submission online. Correspondence regarding the abstracts such as confirmation of submission, notification of acceptance or rejection and instructions for presentation will only be sent to the corresponding author. It is their responsibility to forward the information to all co-authors. The presenting author is required to register for the symposium and pay the registration fee as a condition of presenting the paper.

If you are unable to submit your abstract online please contact the organizers for further instructions or assistance.

Please note that submission of abstracts requires prior registration of at least one author via the conference website.  A link to the abstract submission platform will become available only after successful registration.

Instructions for speakers

PowerPoint, PDF presentations are accepted on USB sticks. Version MS PowerPoint 2003-2010 is recommended. Laptops and projectors will be available for the presenters. The presentation has to be copied to the laptop at the beginning of the session. Lenght of the presentation will be published soon.

Poster presentation:
Poster size: A0 (814mm x 1189mm)
Orientation: Portrait
