The Academy of International Business (AIB) is the leading global community of scholars for the creation and dissemination of knowledge about international business and policy issues. The AIB transcends the boundaries of single academic disciplines and managerial functions to enhance business education and practice. The objectives of the Academy of International Business, as set forth in its constitution, are to foster education and advance professional standards in the field of international business. These objectives include the following:
AIB was founded in 1959, and had 3314 members in 87 different countries around the world in February, 2014. Members include scholars from the leading global academic institutions as well consultants, researchers, government and NGO representatives. The Academy also has seventeen chapters established around the world to facilitate networking as well as the facilitation and exchange of knowledge at a more local level. For further information please visit:
The AIB-CEE Chapter was founded in 2013. It would like to provide a platform for scholars and professionals working on and in CEE region. The AIB-CEE Chapter organized a seminar on Challenges for International Business and Teaching in the CEE Region – Towards an Integrative Perspective, in Poznan, Poland, January, 2014.
The 1st AIB-CEE Chapter conference is an academic conference to give opportunity for academics to discuss their research findings on IB and competitiveness. For further information please visit:
Competitiveness Research Center (CRC) of the Corvinus University of Budapest has been doing research on competitiveness of the Hungarian enterprises and the economy since the middle of the 1990s. Key element of its research work is a periodically repeated competitiveness survey on the Hungarian enterprises. The research focus has been shifted toward conceptual and theoretical approaches of competitiveness, and comparative approaches. CRC organized the First International Working Conference on Competitiveness Research in Budapest, March, 2012. For further information please visit: