Two anonymous referees will evaluate the submitted papers. Authors of submitted papers are kindly requested to review up to 2 submitted papers. Nomination for best paper award is part of the review process, as well as young scholar award. Accepted papers are published in conference proceedings, and selected papers will be published in dedicated issues of the following journals:
Conference papers will also be considered for publications in:
All manuscripts must be submitted by June 23, 2014 in your time zone. If possible, please get your submissions in early, to avoid any connectivity problems as the submission site could be extremely busy towards the deadline. If you are unable to submit your abstract or manuscript online please contact the organizers for further instructions.
No person may be associated (as author, co-author, or panelist) with more than three submissions for the AIB-CEE Chapter Conference. This rule does not apply to appearances in pre-conference activities (e.g., workshops, consortia, or chapter meetings), invited appearances at plenaries or special sessions, session chairs, or listings resulting from the AIB-CEE Chapter officer roles.
Scholars submitting papers to AIB-CEE Chapter Conference are expected to act professionally in their research and conference participation, following relevant professional codes of ethics and showing respect to our diverse members. This requires adhering by the following standards:
Responsibility to Review
Authors submitting papers to the conference commit to reviewing papers for the conference.
Responsibility to Present
For sole-authored papers that are accepted, authors commit to register for the conference and present the paper, and if co-authored, at least one of the authors will do so. No personal requests for variation of time slots will be accommodated and authors will present in the time slots allocated.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Authors assure that submitted papers are their own work and appropriate credit is given to sources, including any previous work of the authors themselves.
The conference organizers reserve the right to reject papers by authors not acting professionally. A random selection of papers will be submitted for plagiarism checks, and any paper will be rejected if it is assessed to violate professional standards.
Authors must make two initial submission decisions: choose (1) the most appropriate track, and (2) the most appropriate type of paper.
Tracks: Please refer to the Topics and tracks for details and chair information for each track. All single country studies must focus on IB-relevant topics such as MNCs, international institutions, trade, global value chains, etc. Please note that Track 7 requires only abstract submission.
Types of paper: Competitive papers should be close to a publishable state, and will be considered for nomination for best paper award, and journal publication. Discussion papers may be in an earlier stage of development.
All abstract submissions should be made through the online submission system as the part of the full paper. All submissions must be made on or before June 23, 2014.
All submissions should be made through the online submission system. All submissions must be made on or before June 23, 2014.
Only the abstracts of papers accepted to the AIB-CEE Chapter Conference are published in the Conference Proceedings on the conference website. The full manuscripts are not published, and the copyrights of the manuscripts remain with the original authors. Please note that conference participants will have access to any manuscript accepted to the conference.
AIB-CEE Chapter conference is also a developmental opportunity and we would like to set a tradition of providing excellent reviews. Please help set this tradition and also sing up as a reviewer. Authors of submitted papers are kindly requested to review up to two submitted papers. The contribution of reviewers will be acknowledged in the Conference Proceedings.
For orientation and more information on high-quality review please visit:
The review rubric can be downloaded from here.
PowerPoint or PDF presentations are accepted on CD-ROM, DVD or Memory sticks. Version MS PowerPoint 2003-2007 is recommended. Laptops and projectors will be available for the presenters. (Please note that there will be no overhead projectors available.)