Please click the picture to see the final program and abstracts in pdf.
The 15th BNF-NL-Symposium will be held on 23rd/24th August 2016 as satellite symposium before the 12th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference (ENFC) and the Genomics Satellite Workshop (25th to 28th August) at Budapest, the capital city of Hungary.
Like the ENFC2016, the 15th BNF-Non Legume Symposium will be held in the “Danubius Health Spa Resort Helia” in the center of Budapest, the capital of Hungary.
The BNF-Non-legume Symposia have a long tradition since the 1980s. In the years 2008 and 2012, the 11th and 13th BNF-NL-symposia were already organized successfully as satellite meetings of the ENFCs in Ghent and Munich, respectively. The 14th BNF-NL-Symposium was organized by our Chinese colleagues as satellite to the Asian Congress of Plant-Microbe Interaction in Cheng-Du in October 2014.
The BNF-NL-Symposia provide the forum for the presentation and discussion of current hot issues of Non-Legume nitrogen fixation research (associative and endophytic diazotroph – plant interactions, actinorhizal and cyanobacterial symbioses, environmental nitrogen fixation, applied and agronomic aspects). Since the topic “BNF with Non-Legumes” can only be presented in a quite limited time frame within the ENFC, the BNF-NL satellite symposium provides additional time for the presentation and discussion of these aspects. The participation in both meetings will give full insights in all fields of nitrogen fixation research.
Therefore, all colleagues and students interested in aspects of Non-Legume Nitrogen Fixation are cordially invited to take part in the 15th BNF-Non-Legume Satellite Symposium on 23rd/24th August 2016.
Participants of the 15th BNF-NL-Satellite Symposium have to register at the ENFC2016 and to pay an additional registration fee of 110.- € (for regular participants) and 80.- € (for students). Alternatively, a separate registration only for the BNF-NL-satellite symposium is possible with a registration fee of 250.- € (for regular participants) or 150.-€ (for students). Preferably, registration should be done before 16th May. The registration fee for the BNF-NL-Satellite Symposium includes an abstract book, lunch and coffee break services. The BNF-NL-Symposium Dinner (at 24th August) has to be booked separately for a price of 60.-€.
The Diamond Congress Service is taking care of the registration, payment and hotel room organization for all participants of ENFC and the satellite meetings (please see the main ENFC homepage).
Terms/conditions of participation and the cancellation policy is the same as the ENFC conference. Please read here>>
International Scientific Advisory Board
Anton Hartmann
Helmholtz Zentrum München, Research Unit Microbe-Plant Interactions
Ingolstaedter Landstrasse 1, D 85764 Neuherberg, Germany
Phone: 0049 89 31872852
Barbara Reinhold-Hurek
University of Bremen, Department of Microbe-Plant Interactions
P.O.Box 330440 D-28334 Bremen, Germany
Phone: 0049 421 21862860