As a sponsor of ENFC2016, FEMS offers to support the attendance of approximately 20 Young Scientists.
FEMS is a federation of microbiological societies in Europe. It brings together 52 member societies from 36 European countries, covering around thirty thousand microbiologists. Members can apply for fellowships, grants and/or support when organising a meeting. FEMS facilitates exchange of scientific knowledge to all microbiologists in Europe and worldwide by publishing five microbiology journals and organising a biennial congress for microbiologists around the world. It also initiates campaigns such as the European Academy of Microbiology (EAM) and the European Microbiology Forum (EMF).
FEMS requires that a Young Scientists Meeting Grantee is:
* A member of a FEMS Member Society, confirmed by any officer of her/his society,
* Less than 36 years of age at the closing date of the meeting,
* An active microbiologist and
* A presenting author of the abstract.
The Young Scientist is to be granted approximately 300 €.
If you are eligible, and wish to apply for the FEMS Young Scientists Meeting Grant, fill out this form and send it to, together with a copy of the abstract, a copy of your ID, and a statement on why you believe you should be selected.