Call for Demonstrate
Pepper and Eggplant Trial


As part of the technical visit registered participants are invited  to show the typical pepper and eggplant varieties of their country and region.
The demonstrative trial will be carried out under procted facilities in greenhouses.

If you would like to participate please send a short variety description and 100 seeds/sample before  February 20, 2016 to the following address:

Dr. Zsuzsanna Füstös
Corvinus University of Budapest
Faculty of Horticultural Science
Department for Vegetable and Mushroom Growing
1118 Budapest, Villányi út 29-43.

After posting the samples but not later than May 20, 2016, please send the fee of 30 Euro/sample to the following address:

ZKI Zöldségtermesztési Kutató Intézet Zrt
(ZKI Vegetable Crops Research Institute Company)
H-6000 Hungary, Mészöly Gyula 6.
IBAN: HU 06 10402506-49485055-51571003

For invoicing please send your data (name, company name, address, VAT number)
to the following e-mail: (Ms. Emese Barabás).