Become a Sponsor

Dear Sponsor,

Hungary is the organizer of the XVIth EUCARPIA Capsicum and Eggplant Working Group Meeting.
The Conference will take place on 12 -14 September 2016 in Kecskemét, which is not only a significant horticultural area but the region’s   economic and cultural centre.

Hungary is a founding member of the Capsicum and Eggplant Working Group and gets an opportunity to organize the Working Group Meeting thirdly since 1971. More internationally acknowledged leading experts accepted our invitation to participate in the work of the Scientific Committee concerning five topics as:  

  • genetic resources,
  • molecular genetics and biotechnology,
  • breeding strategies,
  • growing and seed production,
  • physiology and nutritional value.

These topics may provide a good occasion for exchange of experience and useful professional discussion and debates. Similarly to the earlier years the technical visit including demonstrate variety trials is part of the program.

Calling for sponsors is now open. NGO-s, companies, government agencies and international bodies are invited to become sponsors. Sponsorship is excellent way to expose you as a leading expert in breeding, vegetable research, seed and vegetable production and marketing.

We look forward to seeing you in Hungary 2016.


The Local Organising Committee

Please take a look at our offers:

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