Guidelines for presenters


The schedule of the oral presentations can be seen in the detailed programme. Speakers and session chairs are kindly requested to keep the time of the presentations. Make sure to bring your presentation file written on a USB flash drive. Presenters are kindly requested to copy their presentation file directly to the laptop in the lecture hall preferably one hour before the beginning of the corresponding session.

Paying the registration fee for ICLGG2017 is a prerequisite of publishing the abstract in the online version Book of Abstracts and the Final Program. In order to have the abstract published, the payment must be made not later than 31 August 2017.

Length of talks:

  • Plenary talks – 45 min talk, incl. 5 minuntes for questions
  • Contributed talks – 15 min talk, incl. 3 minuntes for questions
  • Flash talks – 5 min talk, no questions

Please prepare your presentation in .ppt, .pptx (Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003-2017 format) or .pdf file. Please avoid using videos embedded in your show. If have a video, please contact the technician in the lecture hall or the registration desk at latest in the break before your presentation (but preferably earlier) to test it in advance.

Please note that using your own notebook is NOT RECOMMENDED.


There will be two poster sessions held during the conference classified by topics, however all posters can be mounted during the whole event. We kindly ask our authors to be present in these sessions at their posters:

  • Poster session 1.
    odd numbers
    Walkaround: 19 September 2017 (Tuesday);  18:00
  • Poster session 2.
    even numbers
    Walkaround: 20 September 2017 (Wednesday);  18:20

Poster mounting: from 19 September 2017; 12:30
Poster removal: until 21 September 2017; 16:00

Posters left on the boards after the removal deadline will be dismantled and will not be stored by the organisers.

Technical instructions:

Posters should be prepared for standard STANDING (PORTRAIT) A/0 size (84 x 119 cm – 1 sqm).

The organisers provide pins to mount your poster to the board at the conference venue and they will be at your disposal if you need help.