- Deadline for abstracts for posters
Online abstract submission is closed, late abstract submission is still available by e-mail.
- Submission of abstracts may be only online using a submission form.
- Prior registration is need for submitting. Please, note, that submitted abstracts and presentations will be taken into consideration only if the registration fee is payed.
- Title: maximum 200 characters including spaces
- Authors’ names: first and middle name initials followed by last name (e.g. „G. B. Kiss”)
- Presenting author to be underlined
- Affiliations: using superscript numbers with institutions’ name in footnote below title
- Text: maximum 1600 characters including spaces (but title, authors and affiliations are in separate fields).
- Figures or tables are not allowed.
- References: max. 5 references (first author followed by et al., year of publication, journal abbreviation, volume and pages)
- Indicate preference for oral or poster presentation. Selection of oral presentations will be made by the scientific committees of ICLGG.
Poster size: 47 x 33 inches or 118,9 cm x 84,1 cm (height x width, portrait) max.
- Posters in landscape orientation cannot be accommodated unless they are less than 90 cm wide.
- Poster presenters will be responsible for printing, transportation, installation and removal of their posters.