
RSE 2017 hosts an exhibiton and provides advertising possibilities for industrial stakeholders. See below our offer, we hope that you will find that one which fits your requirements exactly. At the bottom of the site you can download the application form, too. Please contact us for further assistance.

What can we offer?



4 m2
600 EUR
6 m2
800 EUR


  • net stand area
  • tables for displaying your company products/services
  • waste paper bin
  • 3 sockets for electricity (230 V, 50 Hz, European standard) including energy usage of max 3 kW
  • 1 complimentary full registration
  • logo display at the conference webpage
  • 1 company lecture
    (short talk up to 10 minutes in a special industrial session)


  • additional booth staff can be registered for a discounted registration fee for 250 EUR
  • a company lecture of extended length (20 minutes + 5 minutes discussion) is available for an additional 200 EUR fee

path10082Sponsorship of invited speakers

  • Sponsor undertake the registration- and accommodation costs of an invited speaker
  • Sponsor logo is displayed in the Final Programme next to the lecture title of the invited speaker
  • Sponsor is mentioned right before the lecture of the invited speaker

700 EUR + VAT
limited to 5 companies, selection of the supported lecture on a first-come, first-served basis


350 EUR + VAT
200 EUR + VAT
1100 EUR+VAT
1000 EUR+VAT
1000 EUR+VAT

All advertisements should be sent to the Congress Secretariat before 1 May 2017. Further details and technical parameters are sent upon the order.

General terms & conditions

path30387All advertisers wishing to apply for any of the services listed in this brochure are required to register by submitting the enclosed registration form to Diamond Congress Ltd. with an authorized signature. Application are handled on a first-come first-served basis, but priorities are given to main sponsors, in terms of advertisements, exhibition space, and selection of sponsorship opportunities. Space will not be reserved without a written application. Exhibition space cannot be occupied unless the full amount is paid before the dates shown below. The organizers of the exhibition retain the right to rearrange the stands in case the overall concept or organizational matters force them to do so. Advertisement will not be printed if the full amount of the advert is not paid before the deadline indicated. Signing and submitting the application form is binding agreement, provided exhibition space is available, and considered to be written commitment that all conditions stated therein are understood and accepted by the applicant. All prices stated herein exclude VAT which is 27% for Hungarian centered companies. (For international companies reversed charge VAT applies). Payment should be arranged upon receipt of our pro forma invoice, according to the following terms.

Payment of sponsorship, exhibition and advertisements fee:
1 May 2017

Cancellation policy

 g14870 g14984

Cancellation and changes to your orders must be made in writing to the Conference Secretariat.

Apply now

Or please contact us by e-mail in case of any questions.