The SSDBM 2016 Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management will take place in Budapest, Hungary between 18-20 July 2016, organized by the Wigner Research Centre for Physics, a major research institute of the Hungarian Acamedy of Sciences.
The annual SSDBM conference is an international forum for scholarly discourse on designing, building, analyzing and evaluating scientific and statistical data management systems and applications. This event will bring together leading scientific domain experts, practitioners, application developers and users to exchange cutting-edge insights and experiences, and to inspire future research directions. The conference will feature a rich program of research presentations, invited speakers, panel sessions, and demonstrations of research prototypes and industrial systems that capture the ever-increasing interdependence between data management, statistical methods, and scientific research and applications.
To encourage communication and dissemination of results in the hot scientific areas covered by the conference, we invite
to the conference. Students at all levels of studies, graduate and undergraduate, working on a topic related to scientific and/or statistical data management are invited to propose a poster which will be subject to a very light scope and presentation check (not formally refereed).
As soon as this check is passed, students are invited to register at the conference and come present their poster and discuss its achievements and challenges.
Each poster should have a title, and one or several authors; it should clearly identify a corresponding student author, which will be the contact author for the poster.
The poster should describe past, ongoing or future work related to a scientific project in the area of scientific and/or statistic data management. It should be formatted and organized as one A0-size sheet, in vertical (preferred) or horizontal layout.
The poster can focus on a particular technique/system, or refer to a large(r) project, as soon as the student corresponding author is able to discuss and present it at the conference.
Posters can also describe e.g. a student’s Master or PhD ongoing work.
The poster should include the usual amount of information needed to support fruitful exchange around it: context, problem, foreseen approach and techniques, achieved results when applicable, brief positioning wrt the state of the art, and perspectives.
Posters should be submitted at:
in the “Student poster” track.