The Proceedings of SSDBM 2016 will be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series. Full papers can be up to 12 pages long while short papers and demo papers can be 4 page long.
Submissions are accepted in PDF format using the new ACM proceedings LATEX or Word templates. Please see instructions at the ACM web site:
The new templates require you to generate CSS codes (keywords) using ACM’s on-line tool. Start by clicking on the ‘Generate CSS codes’ link on the right in the green area. The 2012 CCS is too deep and rich for authors to manually generate the proper non-printing CCS coding for the database and the coding for the abbreviated display in the finished document. When authors incorporate the code blocks generated by the ACM e-Rights system and by the CCS 2012 Author Support Tool in these the correct ACM Rights Statement and bibliographic strip automatically appear in the author’s paper along with the proper display of the CCS indexing terms chosen. (And a hidden block of XML encoding will also be incorporated in the source file for extraction use in the ACM Digital Library.)
If you are encountering any problems using the LATEX templates, please contact
Submissions to the conference are no longer accepted. Authors can track their papers at the CMT web site: