Authors’ guidelines
- Each contributed (not invited) presentation time is 18 min, 3 min of short discussion included. We kindly ask you to prepare your presentation in .pptx format.
- However presenting notebooks will be prepared for presentation and video files, if your file contains special animation, or embedded video, please do a slide check in the morning of your presentation’s day.
- Please preapare your presentation accessible also for people with disabilities.
- Poster boards have ~90×120 cm PORTRAIT oriented surfaces, covered with textile. We recommend to print standard A0 posters (width: 841mm | height: 1189mm).
- Mounting materials (pins) are to be covered by the organisers.
- Please make sure that an accessible version of your poster is available on request for participants with disabilities (e.g. on a USB stick).
Guidelines for accessible presentations.
Submission and publication
Authors should submit an extended abstract (3 to 4 pages) covering the following aspects:
- The R & D or application idea
- The state of the art in this area (other projects, publications, …)
- The methodology used
- The R & D work and results
- The impact or contributions to the field
- Conclusion and planned activities
For an easier submission please read carefully our guidelines of IOS Press. After having read the guidelines, you may download the template files for the abstract.
Online database for submission >>
(please note, that abstract creation becomes available after pre-registration only)
In order to allow a fair review process, incomplete submissions will not be considered for acceptance. Authors of accepted contributions should submit a camera ready full paper that will be published in the Conference Proceedings published by IOS Press. Conference Proceedings will be indexed in Scopus and Thomson Reuters.
A short list of the best presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by IOS Press in a special issue of the journal Technology and Disability.
Contribution for the industry &
practice service provider track
As the European umbrella organisation in the field, AAATE is dedicated to make the conference a meeting place for the broadest range of stakeholders possible, including end users, service providers, administrators, policy makers, manufacturers and distributors. A specific call for a track of case studies, demonstrations, posters, workshops, etc. describing products, practices, services and their impact and outcomes will be launched beginning of 2015.