Contributions to the advancement of AT and Accessibility, not only in technological areas, but in all the fields closely related with this domain of knowledge – Education and Training, Service Delivery, Research, Industry, Legislation – are welcome. Conference thematic areas include but are not limited to:
- Assistive Technology
- Accessible Environments
- Ageing, Disability and Technology
- Alternative and Augmentative Communication
- Ambient Assistive Living / Domotics
- AT for Motor Limitations, Mobility
- AT and Cognitive Impairments
- AT and Sensory Impairments
- AT and Intellectual Disabilities
- AT and Autism
- AT and Dementia
- AT in special needs education
- Care Technology (monitoring, telecare)
- Cloud Computing and AT
- Computer Access
- e-Accessibility
- Economic Aspects
- Education and Scio-economic Aspects
- Education and Training in AT
- e-Inclusion
- Entertainment and Rehabilitation, Serious Games
- European and global initiatives and programmes (the assessment of their outcomes)
- HCI and Multimodal Interfaces
- Healthcare and Rehabilitation
- Information provision on AT
- Integrated Solutions for Mobility and Communication
- Knowledge / Technology Transfer
- Markets for AT
- Outcomes of AT (Quality of life, Costbenefits, etc.)
- Policy and policy development in AT
- Robotics (assistive and educational)
- Service Delivery
- Smart Devices
- Standardization
- Stroke Aspects
- Technology in social care
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (its implementation)
- Universal design/Design for All
- User Perspective
- Other
- AT-Practice Track:
- User experiences and case reports
- Demonstrations of innovative technologies and products
- Service delivery models and issues
- Education, training and professional development projects and programmes
- Innovative policies and programmes
- European project presentations
- Specific Thematic Session
- Policies and practices to reduce the digital divide
- ICT-AT skills development of end users
- Legal framework of universal design on international, European and national level [read more]
- Increasing independence of informal carers (IIIC 2015) [read more]
- Ageing, Disability and Technology: creating Healthy environments to support ageing and disabled persons [read more]
- User Interaction for indoor navigation for vis. Imp. and blind people [read more]
- Universal teaching and learning [read more]
- Technologies closely connected to citizens’ health [read more]
- Ethics, standards and comprehensive interoperability are fundamental for eAccessibility and eInclusion [read more]
- Technological and human assistance for the physically and cognitively disabled
- Enabling technologies for supporting the population with accessibility needs [read more]
Detailed description for abstract submission proccess can be read in the “Abstract submisison” menu