(aka. AT-Practice Track)
In order to respond to the growing interest in AAATE from outside the academic world, a special track will be organised for practitioners and industry.
For this track we expect contributions from practitioners, such as end users, service providers, AT-experts, AT trainers, project managers, etc. and representatives from companies.
The envisaged categories under which contributions may be submitted are the following:
- User experiences and case reports
- Demonstrations of innovative technologies and products
- Service delivery models and issues
- Education, training and professional development projects and programmes
- Innovative policies and programmes
- European project presentations
Two 2-page abstracts have to be submitted by April 10, 2015.
Notification of acceptance will be send out by April 30, 2015.
The abstracts will be selected through a process of peer review by colleagues with practical knowledge in AT. The main criteria for evaluation will be the level of innovation. Selected contributions will have 15 minutes presentation time during parallel sessions.
The abstracts will be included in the digital proceedings, but not in the printed version.
To submit an abstract to this session, please follow the general instructions of the Conference, but please do not exceed 2 pages for these special track. The topics of this special track are enlisted at the end of the sessions’ list.