Call for Extended Abstracts


Extended abstract submission guidelines

Extended abstracts are requested for the lecture evaluation process and this extract will be printed in the congress material.

  • Extended abstracts have been submitted on or before 23 January 2018 (the deadline has been extended!). Abstracts received after this date will not be evaluated and included in the programme and Book of Abstracts.
  • At least one author of the paper has to register to attend the conference on or before 8 May 2018. One attendee can submit only 3 papers.
  • The title of the full paper has to be identical with the one of your extended abstract.
  • Your abstract should not exceed 1000 words. Abstracts exceeding the limit will be rejected. An identical abstract should be uploaded separately in .pdf format in the abstract field of the paper submission web page. This version abstract will appear in the Book of Abstracts.
  • Please submit your extended abstract as a .pdf document (only) using the online EurOMA 2018 submission link.
  • The abstract must adhere to the formatting in the sample abstract (.docx version).
  • Your full paper will be accepted on the understanding that the submitted manuscript is an original work and has not been copyrighted, published, or accepted for presentation at any other conference.

TEMPLATE: Download the EurOMA 2018 sample abstract (.docx version).

For registration and submission problems please contact Mr. Robert Hohol.



We welcome papers addressing a variety of operations management topics and in particular those that fit under the Special sessions. Although the theme provides a special focus for the conference, all the usual broad areas of operations and supply chain management will be addressed:

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