
Overview timetable

22 June 2018 (Friday)

8:30-18:00   Doctoral Seminar [read more >> | programme >>]
(registration starts at 8:00)
Rooms: QB104, QBF09, QBF12

23 June 2018 (Saturday)

8:30-18:00   Doctoral Seminar [read more >> | programme >>]
(registration starts at 8:00)
Rooms: QB104, QBF09, QBF12
8:30-17:30   Journal Publishing Workshop [read more >>]
Rooms: QA323 ! CHANGE, QA404, QA405, QA406, QA407

24 June 2018 (Sunday)

Side events

8:30-12:00   EurOMA Board meeting
Room: QAF17
8:30-13:00   Young Scholars’ Workshop [read more >>]
Room: QBF13
14:30-16:00   Meet the Editors – IJOPM [read more >>]
Room: QA406
16:30-18:00   Meet the Editors – JHLSCM
Room: QBF12

Main programME

8:00   Registration
11:00-13:00   Welcome snacks
13:00-14:00   Opening ceremony and introduction
Giovanni Perrone, Gyula Vastag
Room: Simonyi
13:15-14:00 (24/06)
Plenary #1 (PLENARY-1)

Wallace J. Hopp
The big data revolution in health care

14:00-14:30   Break

Parallel sessions

Room: QBF10
14:30-16:00 (24/06)
Behavioral Operations Management #1 (BOM-1)

Amydee Fawcett
The interconnected role of cognition, commitment, and capability in supply chain relationships

Behnam Fahimnia
The impact of service level requirements and product perishability information on demand forecasting bias

Yujia Han
The use of social network analysis in operations and supply chain management: A systematic literature review

Vasiliki Rigatou
Organizational structure, dynamic capability development and the strategic flexibility of operations: A behavioral approach

Room: QB402
14:30-16:00 (24/06)
Corporate Social Responsibility #1 (CSR-1)

Guido Orzes
Does GRI sustainability reporting pay off? An empirical investigation of public listed firms in China

Markku Kuula
Contribution of railroad transport into carbon footprint of the pulp and paper supply chains: Case of Russia

Orsolya Diófási-Kovács
Green practices in the logistics service industry: A comparative case study analysis between Hungary and Italy

Philipp Sauer
Using third party sustainability standards for reducing uncertainties in sustainable multi-tier supply chains

Room: QB404
14:30-15:40 (24/06)
Digital Innovations in Operations Management #1 (DIOM-1)

Deepak Aruanchalam
The role of Big Data Analytics Maturity on Firm performance: Evidence from the UK manufacturing sector

Marco Farinelli
How the raise of a Big Data Analytics environment impacts the pharmaceutical supply chain in Europe

Raquel Mello
Big Data Analytics for Supply Chain Management: Review of empirical studies

Room: QA323
14:30-15:40 (24/06)
Entrepreneurial University #1 (EUNI-1)

Silvia Baiocco
TTOs and successful university spin-offs: A co-evolutionary perspective

Tibor Dőry
Factors influencing entrepreneurial intentions of students

Riccardo Ricci
Activities and models of university technology transfer

Room: QA240
14:30-15:40 (24/06)
Global Operations #1 (GOPS-1)

Anders Adlemo
Reshoring decision support in a Swedish context

Valeria Belvedere CXD
On the strategic vs. tactic nature of the location choice in the reshoring decision

Albachiara Boffelli
Reshoring decision-making and implementation processes: A multiple-case study

Room: QA404
14:30-15:40 (24/06)
Operations and Supply Chain Management in Engineer-to-Order Industries #1 (OSCMETO-1)

Erlend Alfnes
Reducing delivery times in Engineer-To-Order firms: Challenges and solutions

Müge Tetik
Impacts of an assembly kit logistic solution in renovation projects: A multiple case study with camera-based measurement

Aquila Yeong
The design and implementation of a WLC system incorporating time buffer signalling

Room: QBF08
14:30-16:00 (24/06)
Operations in the Public Sector #1 (OPS -1)

Simon Hermansson
Towards the activity based hospital

Bart Noort
Purchasing in practice: how the healthcare system shapes purchaser’s chronic care chain management

Marianna Frangeskou
Exploring the adoption of standardised processes in professional service operations: Implementing the acute stroke care ‘pathway’ in a hospital

Magdalena Smeds, Bozena Bonnie Poksinska
Care coordinator as a means to improve continuity and quality of patient care

Room: QAF14
14:30-16:00 (24/06)
Performance Measurement and Management #1 (PMM- 1)

Reza Mohammadi
Performance measurement and management in temporary organisations: An organisational control theory perspective

Qinqin Zeng
Measuring company performance from an environmental perspective: A composite indicator for truck manufacturers

Rui Sousa
Testing the theory of performance frontiers in the era of Industry 4.0

AmirHossein Ziaeiardekani
Performance measurement and formalization in small and medium sized enterprises

Room: QAF15
14:30-15:40 (24/06)
Performance Measurement and Management #2 (PMM-2)

Debashree De
Benchmarking sustainability practices in Indian Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs): A Data Envelopment Analysis based framework

El Mokadem Mohamed
The significance of the balance scorecard dimensions with respect to the supply chain strategy

Matthias Winter
Investigating the relationship between regional logistics infrastructure and regional GDP

Room: QA139
14:30-16:00 (24/06)
Purchasing, Procurement and Inventories #1 (PPI-1)

Magdy Khalaf
The relationship between QMS effectiveness and supplier relationship management

Guilherme Martins
New product development performance determinants: The role of buyer-supplier collaboration networks

Byung-Gak Son
Relational and structural embeddedness as buyer-supplier network governance mechanism: The role of market uncertainty

Evelyne Vanpoucke
The impact of asymmetric relationship characteristics on buyer-supplier performance

Room: QAF16
14:30-16:00 (24/06)
Risk Management and Resilience #1 (RMR-1)

Péter Németh
Resilient production system with adaptive lead time planning

Marcio Pimenta
Supply chain resilience in the automobile industry: The role of cross-functional integration

Andrea Lago da Silva
Elements of resilience to combat counterfeit medicines in Supply Chain

Nachiappan Subramanian
Developing Supply Chain Resilience in the face of ambiguity

Room: QA403
14:30-16:00 (24/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #1 (SCMM-1)

Lorena Abadia
Circular economy in practice: case study in a company from the electronics sector

Camilla Guimaraes
Is there value in the sustainable supply chain? A systematic literature review

Andrea Vinelli
The achievement of new Business Objectives Models for Supply Chain Sustainability

Michael Bourlakis
How can SMEs capitalise on supply chains to improve financial performance: A systematic review of the literature

Room: Simonyi
14:30-16:00 (24/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #2 (SCMM-2)

Petr Jirsak
Perspectives of Operational Additive Manufacturing – Case Studies from the Czech Aerospace Industry

Mojtaba Khorram Niaki
Strategic factors driving manufacturing performance of Additive Manufacturing: An empirical analysis

Maximilian Kunovjanek
How will additive manufacturing impact materials inventory? – A system dynamics simulation

Toni Luomaranta
Additive manufacturing technology driving supply chain innovations in small and medium-sized firms

Room: QB104
14:30-15:40 (24/06)
Other Topic #1 (OTHER-1)

Rachel Chen
Reward-based crowdfunding campaigns: informational value and access to venture capital

Giulia Palombi
The evolution and influence of project management theory and practices: A process network analysis

Konstantina Spanaki
Sharing agreements and quality attributes in data manufacturing

16:00-16:30   Break

Parallel sessions

Room: QBF10
16:30-17:40 (24/06)
Behavioral Operations Management #2 (BOM-2)

Anita Belá
Assessing perceived managerial behavior as an insight to leadership efficiency

Alice Erthal
The role of culture in lean implementation: Evidence from the Construction industry.

Veronika Takács
The relationship of team knowledge and team performance in high risk environment

Room: QB402
16:30-18:00 (24/06)
Corporate Social Responsibility #2 (CSR-2)

Ana P. Ferreira Alves
Sustainability in a complex Supply Chain: A literature review on the Brazilian Beef Supply Chain

Sara Hajmohammad
Managing sustainability risks in multi-tier Supply Chains: An agent-based simulation study

Esteban Koberg
Creating sustainable food supply networks through brokerage

Cristina Sancha
Sustainable Supply Chain management practices: The role of Supply Chain strategy and structure

Room: QB404
16:30-18:00 (24/06)
Digital Innovations in Operations Management #2 (DIOM-2)

Dávid Losonci
Assessing Industry 4.0 readiness: a multi-country industry level analysis

Paola Bielli
The synergic effect of Industry 4.0 technologies on the operations performance. Evidence from Italy

Abhijeet Ghadge
Industry 4.0: German logistics service provider’s perspective

Fabio Lima
Presenting the benefits of industry 4.0 through agent-based simulation

Room: QA323
16:30-17:40 (24/06)
Entrepreneurial University #2 (EUNI-2)

Jenny Backstrand
Collaborative research in practice: Articulating the realities of engagement

Sam Solaimani
Lean Startup in bricks-and-mortar settings

Ákos Országh
Model change of the Hungarian higher education

Room: QA406
16:30-18:00 (24/06)
Finance and Accounting #1 (FINACC-1)

Keontaek Oh
Relationship between cash conversion cycle and profitability ratios

Richard Y. K. Fung
The retailer’s optimal order policy with inventory-level-dependent demand under trade credit limit

Eszter Éva Solt
Risk management at global level: Strengthening the resilience of the global financial system

Jorge Tarifa-Fernandez
Investing in the internet of things: A real options approach

Room: QA240
16:30-17:40 (24/06)
Global Operations #2 (GOPS-2)

Fabienne Fel
Can Industry 4.0 foster the backshoring of production? Insights from a Delphi study in France

Luciano Fratocchi
Manufacturing relocations in the footwear industry: A comparison among Italy and Spain

Li Wan
Reshoring: Does home country matter?

Room: QA202
16:30-18:00 (24/06)
Healthcare Operations #1 (HOM-1)

Adrian Small
Adopting rapid process improvement workshops in healthcare – what purposes do they serve?

Arie Bijl, Kees Ahaus
The role of lean leadership in the lean maturity – second-order problem solving relationship: A multiple case study

Mateus Gerolamo
Implementing continuous improvement in healthcare: A case study of lean application in a emerging country hospital

Desirée van Dun
Lean leadership behaviours in healthcare organisations: A systematic literature review

Room: QA404
16:30-18:00 (24/06)
Operations and Supply Chain Management in Engineer-to-Order Industries #2 (OSCMETO-2)

Wolfgang Grenzfurtner
The contribution of subcontractor involvement in continuous improvement programs for industrialised housebuilding

Eva Johansson
The 2-dimensional CODP for customization in ETO contexts

Jas Kalra
Governance arrangements in complex, temporal supply networks: Delivering megaproject supporting ecosystems through local, small-medium enterprises

Anna Fredriksson, Jenny Backstrand
The potential of information sharing to improve supply chain performance in construction projects

Room: QBF08
16:30-17:40 (24/06)
Operations in the Public Sector #2 (OPS-2)

Yuan Huang
The influence of backlog on emergency department crowding: a comparative case study analysis

Katri Kauppi
Analysing the relationship between health service production method and performance outcome

Felipe Martinez
Simulation-based analysis of lean implementation in healthcare supply chain

Room: QAF14
16:30-18:00 (24/06)
Performance Measurement and Management #3 (PMM-3)

Matthias Thurer
Load-based ConWIP: An assessment by simulation

Bernhard Oberegger
Performance improvement of cabin-based transport systems

Gyan Prakash
Benchmarking of R&D performance using interactive data envelopment analysis

Ahmad Teymouri
Application of revenue management in capacity planning of postal services: Conceptualising and empirical simulation of capacity management

Room: QAF15
16:30-18:00 (24/06)
Performance Measurement and Management #4 (PMM-4)

Amos P. Haniff CXD
Stakeholder complexity and the impact of perceptions on project success

Tamás Koltai
The effect of complicated cases on the efficiency of musculoskeletal in-patient rehabilitation units in Hungarian healthcare

Alka Nand
Examining efficiency and performance trade-offs in the Australian airline industry using DEA approach

Simon Okwir
Prediction of collaborative performance management systems

Room: QA139
16:30-17:40 (24/06)
Purchasing, Procurement and Inventories #2 (PPI-2)

Yacob Khojasteh
A heuristic solution for order picking problem in unit-load automated storage and retrieval systems

Kim Sundtoft Hald
Understanding ambidexterity in product development: The case of supply network management

Rohit Kumar
Designing the supplier-based revenue sharing contract for the goods experiencing inventory-dependent demand: A mathematical framework

Room: QAF16
16:30-17:40 (24/06)
Risk Management and Resilience #2 (RMR-2)

Frank Wiengarten
Supplier-supplier relationships and supply chain disruption: First-tier supplier resilience in the tetradic context

Rishabh Rathore
System dynamics approach for risk assessment in foodgrains supply chain

Zoltán Sebestyén
Plan-fact analysis in project risk management

Room: QA403
16:30-18:00 (24/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #3 (SCMM-3)

Icaro Celio Carvalho
The influence of relationships on loss and food waste in agro food chains

Jan Olhager
Information sharing in multi-tier Supply Chains: A Delphi study on contingencies

Tram T. B. Nguyen
The impact of Supply Chain relationship on food safety management in global food Supply Chains

Ying Yang
No fairness, no trust: A qualitative study of Supply Chain relationships in the UK from the social exchange and equity theory perspective

Room: Simonyi
16:30-18:00 (24/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #4 (SCMM-4)

Chonnawee Pukdeemai
Mapping requirements in a sustainable packaging decision for actors of the Supply Chain

Pichawadee Kittipanya-Ngam
Value distribution in Food Supply Chain: Cases of Thai rice chains

Niraj Kumar
Role of social media analytics in understanding the impact of institutional pressures on sustainable practices: A case study of Indian automotive industry

Xia Meng
Understanding your Supply Chain: Dynamic value stream mapping for business improvement

Room: QB104
16:30-17:40 (24/06)
Other Topic #2 (OTHER-2)

Giulia Palombi
Project Value: A literature review

Ricardo Santa
Analyzing innovation’s impact on operational effectiveness: The case of Colombian companies in the Valle del Cauca region

Vanajah Siva
Knowledge integration strategies within a smart specialization cluster: Enabling sustainability in the water-energy nexus

Room: QBF11
16:30-18:00 (24/06)
Tutorial #1 (TUTORIAL-1)

Jan Mendling
Fundamentals of business process mining

18:30-20:30   Welcome reception (Venue: Building ‘K’, Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
hosted by Prof. Dr. János Józsa, Rector of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics


25 June 2018 (Monday)

Side events

8:30-12:00   Case Centre
Room: QA406
14:00-15:30   Meet the Editors – JBL [read more >>]
Room: QA406
16:00-17:30   IJOPM Board meeting
Room: QA406

Main programME

8:00   Registration

Parallel sessions

Room: QBF10
8:30-10:00 (25/06)
Behavioral Operations Management #3 (BOM-3)

Rodrigo Lozano
Resistance to sustainability change in organisations: Analyses of the importance of sustainability barriers to change

Robin von Haartman
Improving job engagement: A survey of blue- and white-collar workers in an medium-sized manufacturing firm

Xiande Zhao
The moderating role of learning by doing for sustainability performance

Dávid Losonci
Leadership attributes in lean production context: Analysis of production managers and CEOs

Room: QB402
8:30-10:00 (25/06)
Corporate Social Responsibility #3 (CSR-3)

Stefania Boscari
Stakeholder engagement for effective implementation of environmental practices

Aysu Göçer
Sustainability-induced risks: Exploring how hidden costs create a vicious cycle

Veronica Leon Bravo
Sustainability practices implementation and the multidimensional performance effect: The Balsamic Vinegar of Modena case

Luciano Batista
Exploring social sustainability aspects concerning the well-being of workers in Chinese factories

Room: QB404
8:30-10:00 (25/06)
Digital Innovations in Operations Management #3 (DIOM-3)

Atanu Chaudhuri
Blockchain’s impact on a pharmaceutical company’s supply chain and procurement

Giovanna Culot
Industry 4.0: why a definition is (not) needed

Rômulo Marcos Rebelo
How the Internet of things technology affects the Supply Chain Management

Raffaella Cagliano
The impact of smart manufacturing technologies on work and organizational design: The role of technological maturity

Room: QA323
8:30-9:40 (25/06)
Entrepreneurial University #3 (EUNI-3)

Katalin Czako
Notions of Entrepreneurial University: Some European models

Lea Fobbe
Sustainability reporting as a way to foster entrepreneurial universities

Peter O’Neill
Public University model for entrepreneurship – a contextual study

Room: QA240
8:30-10:00 (25/06)
Global Operations #3 (GOPS-3)

Oliver Flaeschner
Off to which shore? Explaining the strategic factors behind near- and farshoring

Luciano Fratocchi
Manufacturing backshoring and direct brand creation in the footwear industry

Steffen Kinkel
Measuring reshoring – approaches and limitations

Rudrajeet Pal
Reshoring decision-making based on operational capabilities in Swedish apparel supply chains: A fuzzy AHP approach

Room: QA202
8:30-9:40 (25/06)
Healthcare Operations #2 (HOM-2)

Kees Ahaus
Perceptions of practitioners and experts on value-based healthcare: A mixed-methods study

Enrique Garcia-Villarreal
Critical success factors of German medical technology supply chains

Piet Penninga
Process interfaces between healthcare organisations: A supply chain management perspective

Room: QBF11
8:30-10:00 (25/06)
Innovative Technologies as Enablers of Sustainable Operations #1 (ITESO-1)

Alvaro Dossa
IoT adoption in agrifood operations: A conceptual model for technology transference

Luai Jraisat
Information sharing in sustainable value chain networks: Innovative technology for transportation in cities

Michael Leigh
An integrated business model for supply chain environmental sustainability through ‘Internet of Things’

Petra Soltész
A network theory approach to analyse in the sharing economy

Room: QAF14
8:30-10:00 (25/06)
Operational Excellence #1 (OE-1)

Thomas Bortolotti
Operational excellence in services: A survey-based study

David Hansen
Sustainable leadership of Operational Excellence: Practices for leading long-term excellence and avoiding fire-fighting

Sven Januszek
Operational excellence in process industries: In search of effective implementation patterns

Urban Wemmerlov
Determining the financial value of process improvement – a systematic review

Room: QAF15
8:30-10:00 (25/06)
Operational Excellence #2 (OE-2)

Annachiara Longoni
Lean manufacturing implementation: Explaining the role of individual and collective worker perception

Maneesh Kumar
Sustaining Lean: The determinants of a continuous improvement and learning culture

Keith Millar
The interplay between lean practices, organisational culture practices and operational performance

Christer Osterman
Understanding company specific Lean production systems

Room: QA404
8:30-9:40 (25/06)
Operations and Supply Chain Management in Engineer-to-Order Industries #3 (OSCMETO-3)

Violetta Giada Cannas
Insights from the empirical applications of the customer order decoupling point

Ehsan Sabet
Product development flexibility in the aerospace industry

Room: QBF08
8:30-10:00 (25/06)
Operations in the Public Sector #3 (OPS-3)

Arvind Upadhyay
Challenges in public sector operations: A case study in a UK county council

Debashree De
The role of Public Procurement in sustainability of Indian Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs)

Máté Tóth
Hungarian energy law as an example of using complex system viewpoints for the public sector

Nuno Alexandre Costa
Definition of key drivers for project success regarding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Room: QA139
8:30-9:40 (25/06)
Purchasing, Procurement and Inventories #3 (PPI-3)

Jas Kalra
Developing social capital in client-professional service relationships: The moderating role of procurement involvement

Canan Kocabasoglu Hillmer
How much does strategic sourcing relate to flexibility?

Ines Schulze Horn
Artificial intelligence in purchasing: How to facilitate mechanism design-based negotiations

Room: QAF16
8:30-10:00 (25/06)
Risk Management and Resilience #3 (RMR-3)

James Whiteside
Linking theories of organisational behaviour to supply chain resilience: An exploratory framework

Michael Herburger
Impact of organizational capabilities on supply chain resilience: An empirical investigation

Paolo Trucco
The influence of structural and dynamic complexity factors on supply chain resilience: A qualitative study

Xuan Zhang
The impact of big data on supply chain resilience: The moderating effect of supply chain complexity

Room: QBF12
8:30-9:40 (25/06)
Servitization and Service Innovation in the Digital Age #1 (SSIDA-1)

Jill MacBryde
Why an innovation may result in the ‘dark side’? An exploratory study on the dark side of business model innovation

Tabea Ramirez Hernandez
Typology of uncertainties in the development process of Product-Service Systems

Gad Vitner
Bill of Services (BOS): An innovative design tool for service organizations

Room: QBF13
8:30-10:00 (25/06)
Servitization and Service Innovation in the Digital Age #2 (SSIDA-2)

Ali Ziaee Bigdeli
Servitization in manufacturing: A business model perspective

Steven Day
Researching product-service systems for consumers: Insights from a systematic literature review

Antonios Karatzas
The effect of manufacturers’ service transition on the job satisfaction of boundary spanners

Wanrong Zhang
Challenges of servitization: A comparison study on manufacturers with different strategic focuses

Room: QA403
8:30-10:00 (25/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #5 (SCMM-5)

Sabine Baumann
Supply network design for Industry 4.0: Lessons learned from German manufacturing industries

Yu Cui
Supply chain resilience in IoT context – focus on innovation of food supply chains with traceability systems

Patricia Deflorin
The relationship between IIoT and Supply Chain Integration

Enrico Fiorentin
The impact of Mass Customization on digital evolution towards industry 4.0: A new transition for supply chains in manufacturing industries

Room: Simonyi
8:30-10:00 (25/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #6 (SCMM-6)

Ayham A.M. Jaaron
Impact of linking green supply chain management and supply chain integration on organizational performance: A conceptual model

Peter Kelle
Product quality, eco-friendly improvement, and pricing decisions in a two-echelon supply chain

Lana Mattar
Sustainable supply chain practices-motives, drivers and challenges

Ruoqi Geng
Stakeholder pressures and Chinese manufacturing firms’ green supply chain management: A configuration approach

Room: QB104
8:30-10:00 (25/06)
Other Topic #3 (OTHER-3)

Xiaohong Li
Industrial Ecology for developing an extended network of industrial ecosystems

Janos Abonyi
Extraction of hierarchical causal loop diagrams from dynamic models

Patrik Fager
Order picking in dense areas – productivity impact of confirmation methods

Yasmeen Jaghbeer
Robot based compact storage and retrieval systems performance in order picking applications

10:00-10:30   Break

Parallel sessions

Room: QBF10
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Behavioral Operations Management #4 (BOM-4)

Meysam Arvan
The impact of different guidance types on judgmental demand forecasting: A laboratory experiment

Levente Dudás
Modelling relationship between trust and trustworthiness using a finite repeated trust game

Mateus Gerolamo
The importance of organizational culture in a non-profit hospital: The soft side of healthcare transformation

Alessandro Stefanini
Behaviors in Healthcare: The study of patient satisfaction in Emergency Department

Room: QB402
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Corporate Social Responsibility Track #4 (CSR-4)

Albachiara Boffelli
Implementing supply chain practices to support successful circular economy: A best case from textile industry

Theofilos Mastos
Enablers and inhibitors for implementing sustainable Supply Chain Management practices: Lessons from SMEs in the food industry

Minelle Silva
Social multi-tier supply chain management: empirical insights from the Brazilian garment sector

Xiaoyue Tan
The adoption and implementation of sustainable supply chain practices in Chinese private enterprises: A combined institutional and contingency perspective in a policy setting

Room: QB404
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Digital Innovations in Operations Management #4 (DIOM-4)

Rafael Lorenz
Open process innovation and digitization of manufacturing

Luca Gelsomino
Fintech innovation in Supply Chain Finance

Nenad Medic
Evaluation of advanced digital technologies in manufacturing companies: Hybrid fuzzy MCDM approach

Judit Nagy
What motivates companies for digital innovation?

Room: QA240
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Global Operations #4 (GOPS-4)

Jan Olhager
Manufacturing relocations and performance: A contingency perspective

John Gray
The effect of the offshoring of digital asset development on confidentiality performance

Zsuzsanna Szalkai, Béla Pataki
Roles of change management in interactive inter-firm relationships

Steffen Kinkel
Comparing reshoring evidence from the EU and the US – present findings and limitations

Room: QA202
10:30-11:40 (25/06)
Healthcare Operations #3 (HOM-3)

Xiuzhu Gu
Developing an assessment tool for healthcare employee satisfaction: Validating in cross-cultural settings

Tamás Jónás
Applying flexible fuzzy numbers for Likert scale-based service quality evaluations based on a healthcare example

Ricardo Santa
The role of organizational learning in fostering a culture of quality and safety within a healthcare setting in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in Colombia

Room: QB104
10:30-11:40 (25/06)
Humanitarian Operations #1 (HUMOPS-1)

Abdullah Al Hajri
Understanding how humanitarian logistics organizations build resilience

Wapee Manopiniwes
Integrated humanitarian operations management in flood natural disaster

Lysann Seifert
Humanitarian Supply Chain Management in refugee camps – A qualitative comparative analysis of a short-term camp in Turkey and a long-term camp in Jordan

Room: QBF11
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Innovative Technologies as Enablers of Sustainable Operations #2 (ITESO-2)

Andreas Felsberger
How to measure the impact of digital transformation along industrial value chains? – Cases of the semiconductor industry

Barbara Fetter CXD
A comprehensive literature review of green supply chain management

Christine Hattar
Technological sustainability-oriented innovations in food supply chain: A conceptual framework

Wenjuan Zeng
Formal control and social control in green product innovation: An empirical research in China

Room: QAF14
10:30-11:40 (25/06)
Operational Excellence #3 (OE-3)

Mantas Vilkas
Achieving Leanness: The relationship of Lean practices with process exploitation and exploration

Mantas Vilkas
Becoming Lean: A process model of Lean production

Daryl Powell
Network action learning for Lean Supply Chain development – Revisiting the phenomenon of Kyoryokukai

Room: QAF15
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Operational Excellence #4 (OE-4)

Rima Al Hasan
The productivity dilemma revisited: How process improvement can lead to product innovation

Thomas Ladinig
Quality linkages in complex production systems with causal ambiguity

Elena Revilla
Building ambidexterity through creativity mechanisms: Contextual drivers of innovation success

William Sarache
Decision-making in manufacturing strategy using a maturity model

Room: QBF08
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Operations in the Public Sector #4 (OPS-4)

László Buics
Public service digitalization: Is it a new way for servitizing public services?

Boglárka Eisinger Balassa
Modelling patchwork families: Service processes of guardianship offices

Tamás Szabó, Éva Kovács (by Skype)
Inter-municipal cooperation in Hungary: The factors explaining cooperation in service delivery

András Nemeslaki
Digital innovation in government services: Harmonizing theories, contemporary technology and practical experiences

Room: QA139
10:30-11:40 (25/06)
Purchasing, Procurement and Inventories #4 (PPI-4)

Yulia Lapko
Role of cross-application interdependence and competition in materials criticality identification and mitigation

Paul Humphreys
The effect of buyers’ socialization efforts on the culture of their key Supply Chain partner and its impact on Supply Chain performance

Biao Yang
Supplier relationship management and sustainability performance in the tobacco industry

Room: QA323
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Retail Operations #1 (ROPS-1)

Zsuzsa Deli-Gray, Florence Feenstra
Impact of social power on the shopping experience of female adolescents: An international and exploratory study

Zita Kelemen
Customer taxonomy for weekend long retail events

András Kovács
The Black Friday pehomenon in Hungary

Stanley Frederick Lim
An analysis of shopping behavior at warehouse-club stores and its store-network-density implications

Room: QAF16
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Risk Management and Resilience #4 (RMR-4)

Yiyi Fan
The consequences of individual and organisational level social capital on supply risk management

Carmen Gonzalez-Zapatero
Explaining the efficacy of supply chain risk management from a perspective of fit

Ali Ibrahim Labaran
Social relationships and supply chain risk information sharing

Samuel Roscoe
When is a ‘wait-and-see’ strategy an appropriate approach for managing supply chain risk? A contextual study of Brexit

Room: QBF12
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Servitization and Service Innovation in the Digital Age #3 (SSIDA-3)

Jekaterina Dmitrijeva
Contextualising servitization – The shaping of the organisational transformation

Jawwad Raja
Organizing for servitization: The constitutive role of communication

Luodi Pan
Business model innovation in e-services: Investigating new service development in the digital age

Ceren Altuntas Vural
Exploring value-in-use of logistics services: The role of operant resources

Room: QBF13
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Servitization and Service Innovation in the Digital Age #4 (SSIDA-4)

Ayham A.M. Jaaron
Achieving sustainability through service operations design: The role of systems thinking

Sumeer Chakuu
Enablers and inhibitors for the adoption of Supply Chain finance by logistics service providers

Gyan Prakash
Exploring servitization along downstream Supply Chains

Raveen R. Menon
Strategic fit of service Supply Chains

Room: QA404
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Strategy #1 (STRATEGY-1)

Cristina Alcaide-Muñoz
Formal strategy formulation and new technology tnticipation: The role of internal communication

Rob Dekkers
Outsourcing from a (theoretical) evolutionary perspective

Kristina Sollander
Contextualising ambidexterity in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises

Moritz Ziegler
The reconciliation process of market requirements and operations resources – An empirical view

Room: QA403
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #7 (SCMM-7)

Artur Swierczek
The effects of relational embeddedness on the manufacturer’s rent. The study of triadic Supply Chains with the structural hole

Leopoldo Gutierrez
The relationship between ambidexterity, supply flexibility and supply chain performance: An empirical analysis

Junjiro Shintaku, Takahiro Tomino
Triad perspective of global Supply Chain integration among R&D, production and marketing

Chee Yew Wong
Supply Chain gain/pain sharing: Contracts with asymmetric and full transparency

Room: Simonyi
10:30-12:00 (25/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #8 (SCMM-8)

Sangho Chae
Horizontal and vertical structural holes in supply networks

Weixi Han
Managing supply chain collaborations in international joint ventures: A case study in the Chinese automotive industry

Prakash Singh
An empirical re-evaluation of the impact of supply chain integration on firm performance

Saeed Najafi-Tavani
The buyer-supplier relationship quality impact on supply risk through the lens of buyer-supplier interdependence

12:00-13:00   Lunch

12:00-13:00   Chris Voss Best Paper Award Meeting (by Invitation only)


Room: Simonyi
13:00-14:00 (25/06)
Plenary #2 (PLENARY-2)

Bart MacCarthy
Mass customization – Does it exist?/Are we there yet?

Parallel sessions

Room: QBF10
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Behavioral Operations Management #5 (BOM-5)

Alison Smart
Women’s roles in operations: An examination of photographs depicting women at work from 1870 to post-2000

Carmela Di Mauro
The impact of risk preferences on supply chain performance

Nick Oliver
Ambidextrous production teams: The productivity dilemma revisited

Aquila Yeong
Human factor: The bridge to a successful intervention in MTO (Make-To-Order) manufacturing environment

Room: QB402
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Corporate Social Responsibility #5 (CSR-5)

Danuta Kisperska-Moron
Corporate governance as a factor of building social responsibility – Supply Chain perspective

Jens Roehrich
Battling information asymmetry: Supply Chain partner engagement for climate change mitigation

Shakeel Sadiq Jajja
The effect of corporate social responsibility on operational and quality performance

Ekaterina Yatskovskaya
An evolutionary theory and supply network perspective on manufacturing firms’ capabilities development in water scarcity management

Room: QB404
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Digital Innovations in Operations Management #5 (DIOM-5)

Andrea Vinelli
Coping with digitalization in operations processes: The role of design thinking

Daniel Fruhner
Impacts of the digitalised car on logistics

Torsten Nattermann
Digitalisation technology adoption – A case study on absorptive capacity and B2B relationships

Denis Niedenzu
Digitalisation of Supply Chains: An information processing perspective

Room: QA240
14:00-15:10 (25/06)
Global Operations #5 (GOPS-5)

Qile He
Synergetic development of the regional logistics system and the regional economy in China’s Yangtze River Delta

Maike Scherrer
A plant’s development stage in knowledge transfer in manufacturing networks

Tao Huang
Exploring the relationship between headquarters and plants

Room: QA202
14:00-15:10 (25/06)
Healthcare Operations #4 (HOM-4)

Lorella Cannavacciuolo
A smart health grid solution for demand management of Emergency Departments

Iacopo Rubbio
The role of digital technology in increasing healthcare organizations resilience

Bert Meijboom
Customization and personalization in clinical pathways using a modular perspective

Room: QB104
14:00-15:10 (25/06)
Humanitarian Operations #2 (HUMOPS-2)

Adriana Leiras
Overview of disaster economic assessment methods

Oscar Rodríguez-Espíndola
Can 3D Printing address operations challenges in Disaster Management?

Scott Webster
Supply management for rapid-onset disasters under demand, supply, and budget uncertainty

Room: QA139
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Innovative Education #1 (INNEDU-1)

Rosie Cole
Beat the dice: Sustainability uncertainty and implications on the total cost of ownership

Torbjørn Netland
Bringing the factory to the students: Enriching teaching cases with Virtual Reality

Max Finne
Does flipped classroom design enhance learning?

Nicholas Wake
Is gamification an effective pedagogic strategy? Using ‘Cuppa Services’ to teach lean and process improvement

Room: QAF14
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Operational Excellence #5 (OE-5)

Andrea Roberto Beraldin
Statistical investigation of moderation on soft lean practices

Desirée van Dun
Industry 4.0 as a moderator on the relationship between lean and operational performance

Wilfred H. Knol
On the synergy between smart industry technologies and lean principles

Rui Zhao
The effects of institutional factors on trust and knowledge sharing in Supply Chain collaboration

Room: QAF15
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Operational Excellence #6 (OE-6)

Rima Al Hasan
Perspectives on the interplay between process improvement approaches and product innovation: A literature review and research agenda

Roaa Salim
Drivers and challenges for automation of manufacturing: A multiple case study in the Swedish wood products industry

Kumar Rohit
Development of a conceptual framework to introduce new automotive variants: Insights from new product development research in automotive domain

Ádám Szaller
Real-time prediction of manufacturing lead times in complex production environments

Room: QBF08
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Operations in the Public Sector #5 (OPS-5)

Vincent Hargaden
Developing lean and agile service operations processes in a university environment

Jan Riezebos
Action research addressing work stress in primary education using Lean tools

Bryan Rodgers
The role of human resource departments in lean six sigma initiatives

Paolo Trucco
Profiling the resilience of the blood service supply chain: Lean versus agile

Room: QA323
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Retail Operations #2 (ROPS-2)

Andrea Lago da Silva
The influence of resilience on causes of food waste in retail: A systematic literature review

Rafay Ishfaq
Effectiveness of frequent inventory audits in retail stores

Michael Bourlakis
Urban logistics collaboration: Insights from the UK online food retail sector

Usha Ramanathan
Reducing UK’s carbon footprint in food supply chains

Room: QAF16
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Risk Management and Resilience #5 (RMR-5)

Amr Mahfouz
Exploring firm supply chain resilience capabilities in the food industry: A dynamic
capabilities perspective

Samir Dani
Conceptualising data driven food Supply Chains: Creating integrity and resilience

Canan Kocabasoglu Hillmer
Intangible resources in building Supply Chain resilience

Mehrnoush Sarafan
Managing supply chain disruption; does culture matter?

Room: QBF12
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Servitization and Service Innovation in the Digital Age #5 (SSIDA-5)

Berna Topak
Conceptualising contracting for complex services: Buyer and front-line employee separation

Christos Tsinopoulos
Impact of IS capabilities on service operations: The role of customer transactions

Enrico Secchi
Managerial and employees’ perceptions of improvisation in service settings: A multigroup analysis

João Manuel Vilas Boas da Silva
Definition of requirements to pursue a Servitization Strategy in SME: The case of AMT firms in the Ornamental Stones cluster

Room: QBF13
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Servitization and Service Innovation in the Digital Age #6 (SSIDA-6)

Arni Halldorsson
Challenges when developing services supporting the customers: The case of energy services

Kasmaruddin Che Hussin
Customer-supplier interactions in the servitization context: An analysis using Process Chain Network (PCN) diagrams

Veronica Martinez
Service business model innovation: The digital twin technology

Robert Suurmond
Managing service triad operations: Examining member-to-member exchanges in service design and service provision

Room: QA404
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Strategy #2 (STRATEGY-2)

Jeff Jia
Sharing economy models as service triads: Towards an integrated framework

Kleber Nóbrega
Interfaces between mission, purpose and orientation to serve in service companies

Peder Veng Søberg
Patent valuation and knowledge sourcing

Stefan Kurpjuweit
The rise of logistics startups and their impact on the logistics industry

Room: QA403
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #9 (SCMM-9)

Lin Huang
The impact of triadic collaboration on supply chain performance

Leopoldo Gutierrez
Discovering isomorphism in supply management: Institutional fit and organizational performance

Christian Marchetti
The influence of risk pooling and allocation policies on supply chain performance

Minyoung Yea
Benefit allocations of the strategic alliance in a logistics industry

Room: Simonyi
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #10 (SCMM-10)

Ely Laureano Paiva
Development of capabilities, operational practices and interorganisational collaboration

Mauro Fracarolli Nunes
Supplying for champions: A winning strategy?

Fredrik Tiedemann
Some common and fundamental characteristics of four Supply Chain strategies – customization, leagility, postponement and segmentation

Christina Wong
Urban legends in model specification for testing Supply Chain integration theories

Room: QBF11
14:00-15:30 (25/06)
Tutorial #2 (TUTORIAL-2)

Tom Foster
A new model for teaching Supply Chain and operations management

15:30-16:00   Break

Parallel sessions

Room: QBF10
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Behavioral Operations Management #6 (BOM-6)

James Aitken
The role of temporal norms and orientations in operations management

Manuel Brauch
Investigating an imbalanced consideration of the supply line from a control theory perspective

H. Niles Perera
Ordering decisions in the presence of product sales promotional information

Matin Mohaghegh
The dynamics of organizational problem-solving: A dual-process approach

Room: QB402
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Corporate Social Responsibility #6 (CSR-6)

Cleberson Dos Santos
The engagement against food waste in hospitals as a strategy for corporate social responsibility

Mariann Szabó, Gyula Zilahy
Mapping innovative initiatives to address the food waste challenge – A global overview

Miriam Wilhelm
Blood in your tuna can: Modern slavery and the role of NGOs

Yuling Lin
An investigation of government incentive policy in green technology adoption in automobile industry

Room: QB404
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Digital Innovations in Operations Management #6 (DIOM-6)

David Lopez CXD
Developing highly effective Business Analytics: An information processing perspective

Renato Moraes CXD
Chief information officer profile and information technology role: A qualitative approach

Ruggero Golini
The role of technology in supporting supply chain collaboration: What’s next for purchasing and Industry 4.0?

Thayla Zomer
Enabling digital transformation: An analysis framework

Room: QA240
16:00-17:10 (25/06)
Global Operations #6 (GOPS-6)

Maricela Arellano
The role of national culture in plants’ production network integration

EuiBeom Jeong
The relationship between environmental hostility and manufacturing flexibility: The role of operational absorptive capacity

Michael Wiech
Management of international manufacturing networks – A site portfolio approach

Room: QA202
16:00-17:10 (25/06)
Healthcare Operations #5 (HOM-5)

Lilian de Menezes
Pathways from targets and monitoring to performance in healthcare: An analysis of employee and workplace outcomes in Britain

Stefano Villa
Creating value through clinical operations management: Lessons from Multiple Myeloma

Vincent Peters
Enhancing coordination in complex modular hospital care provision

Room: QB104
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Humanitarian Operations #3 (HUMOPS-3)

Jana Abikova
Application of fuzzy DEMATEL – ANP method to solve the allocation problem of refugee camps

Ramez Kian
E-voucher distribution routing and planning for Syrian refugee camps in Turkey

Vasiliki Rigatou
Development of a performance management system for wildfire operations management using SSM

Christian Wankmüller
An analysis of blockchain technology for improved performance in humanitarian logistics

Room: QA139
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Innovative Education #2 (INNEDU-2)

Giulia Palombi
Project management’s university educational offering: A comparative analysis between Italy, United States and United Kingdom

Manda Broekhuis
What is the right Supply Chain program for your students? Insights from alumni

Daniel Andrews
The service transformation game: Snakes and ladders to advanced services

Andreas Wieland
Can SCM students become process experts? An educational approach

Room: QAF14
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Operational Excellence #7 (OE-7)

Sebastian Dreßen
Development of a technology evaluation score model for manufacturing technologies

Julian Kress
Application and validation of a holistic profitability model within the technology-oriented theory of production

Ylias Razafindrazaka
A contingency perspective on the impact of environmental uncertainty and organizational mechanism on flexibility

Seung-Chul Kim
Investigating the impacts of PMIS quality on project management performance

Room: QAF15
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Operational Excellence #8 (OE-8)

Anupama Prashar
Continuous Improvement (CI) in professional service delivery: A systematic literature review

Kleber Nóbrega
Interfaces between service quality and the nature of fast food services

Araz Zirar
Disentangling the nexus between enabling HRM practices and lean implementation in the service operations

Ying Yang
The moderation of lean manufacturing effectiveness by culture: Testing practices-organisational culture congruence hypotheses

Room: QBF08
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Operations in the Public Sector #6 (OPS-6)

Atanu Chaudhuri
Capacity planning for robotic surgeries: A simulation based approach

János Kocsis
Practice of inclusion of residents in the operation of Hungarian municipalities

Liubov Pakhomova
Resource orchestration to scale up smart city networks

Tünde Tátrai
Comparative analysis in centralised European public procurement

Room: QA323
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Retail Operations #3 (ROPS-3)

Leszek Ankudowicz
Analysing uncertainties and risks in dynamic retail operations. Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) approach

Zsolt Matyusz
Store performance improvement through layout optimization in the fashion retail industry

Rohit Titiyal
DANP-PROMETHEE approach to evaluate the distribution strategy of an e-tailer

Stanley Frederick Lim
Long tail in omnichannel retailing: A field study on showroom and sales distribution

Room: QAF16
16:00-17:10 (25/06)
Risk Management and Resilience #6 (RMR-6)

Mark Hall
Understanding project failure using agency theory: The case of a high-speed rail mega-project in Saudi Arabia

Antonella Moretto
Business models for Supply Chain Finance: The perspective of Logistics Service Providers

Zohreh Khojasteh Ghamari
Towards designing a robust supply chain network; A multi objective optimization approach

Room: QBF12
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Servitization and Service Innovation in the Digital Age #7 (SSIDA-7)

Andreas Schroeder
IoT-enabled Advanced Services: exploring the IoT-artefact as a socio-technical construct

Erik Skov Madsen
Extreme E-waste generated from successful Operations Management? More focus on Design for Repair for Extension of Life

Oliver Bischoff
Big data analytics and product-service system – Advance and accelerate implementation

Chutikarn Suppatvech
The roles of internet of things in enabling servitized business model: A systematic literature review

Room: QBF13
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Servitization and Service Innovation in the Digital Age #8 (SSIDA-8)

Sonia Lo
An empirical investigation of the development process and capabilities of servitization: From OEM/ODM to OBM

Jasna Prester
Servitization and deservitization effects in three Southern European countries

Ricardo Santa
The role of trust in the alignment between system and operational effectiveness: The case of e-government in Colombia

Kinga Szabó
Sharing economy and servitization for public sector

Room: QA404
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Strategy #3 (STRATEGY-3)

Graziela Darla Araujo Galvão
Barriers to change from linear to circular business model

Daniela Moraes
Operations strategies in Brazilian e-waste recycling plants

Ali Nazarpour
Is mass customisation suitable for every industry?

Rob Dekkers
On the origins and applications of the steady-state model

Room: QA403
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #11 (SCMM-11)

Paolo Carminati
The impact of Private Equity investments on firms’ supply chain: Evidence from 6 Italian cases

Enrique Garcia-Villarreal
A framework for technology selection to support sales and operations planning in German medical technology organisations

Antônio Márcio Tavares Thomé
Sales and operations planning maturity models: Literature review and application in a consumer goods company in Brazil

Antônio Márcio Tavares Thomé
Theorizing in sales and operations planning

Room: Simonyi
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #12 (SCMM-12)

Karsten Cox
Supply Chain Failure – the effects of short-term quick fixes

Mauro Fracarolli Nunes
The dissemination of negative events in supply chain networks: Circular waves as a metaphorical transfer

Heidi C. Dreyer
The impact of supply uncertainty on supply chain planning processes: Reflections from a whitefish case study

Yongyi Shou
Supply chain integration and risk management: The moderating effect of manufacturing networks

Room: QBF11
16:00-17:30 (25/06)
Tutorial #3 (TUTORIAL-3)

Matthias Holweg
Process Theory: The principles of Operations Management

Room: Simonyi
17:30-18:30 (25/06)
General Assembly  
18:30-18:45   Gathering for bus departure to the gala dinner
19:30-23:00   Gala dinner
Hungarian Railway Museum
NOTE: This banquet is included in the registration fee, but it is mandatory to register for it online (after the registration it can be selected in the “Optional programs” menu). If you are not sure that you can attend or not, we would like to ask you to select it now, you can remove your order later.

26 June 2018 (Tuesday)

Side events

8:30-10:00   Meet the Editors – JSCM [read more >>]
Room: QA406
10:30-12:00   Special Session
From now to beyond: The role of EurOMA in the next 25 years of OM
Chairs: Giovanni Perrone, Chris Voss, Christer Karlsson
Room: QA406

Main programME

8:00   Registration

Parallel sessions

Room: QB402
8:30-9:40 (26/06)
Corporate Social Responsibility #7 (CSR-7)

Breno Nunes
Product essentiality: An introduction

Erik Siems
Stakeholder management in Chilenian biomass Supply Chains

Qile He
Does place attachment matter? Top-management characteristics, institutional pressures and SMEs’ pro-environmental behaviour

Room: QB404
8:30-10:00 (26/06)
Digital Innovations in Operations Management #7 (DIOM-7)

György Molnár
Quality assurance of the education process supported partly by Big Data analysis

Saara Brax
Business models in operations, marketing and management research – A systematic literature review

Qian Yang
Improving relationship performance on e-platforms: Role of technology usage in promoting justice

Room: QA139
8:30-9:40 (26/06)
Innovative Education #3 (INNEDU-3)

Eamonn Ambrose
The effectiveness of peer assessment in student learning

David Grube Hansen
The digital twin of a smart learning-factory

Isabel Duarte Almeida
Student evaluation of teaching effectiveness: Implications for scholars in operations management

Stanley Fawcett
Improving society’s ROI in educational investments via online courseware and experiential education – the quest to achieve affordable global reach

Room: QBF11
8:30-9:40 (26/06)
Innovative Technologies as Enablers of Sustainable Operations #3 (ITESO-3)

Yasanur Kayikci
Exploring the potential of blockchain technologies in the food Supply Chain: Opportunities and impediments

Omid Maghazei
Exploring potential applications of drones in the petrochemical industry

Enes Ünal
Circular Industry 4.0: An integrative framework

Room: QAF14
8:30-10:00 (26/06)
Operational Excellence #9 (OE-9)

Cristina Alcaide-Muñoz
Statistical process control: How Level three leadership affects its effectiveness

Ronan McIvor
A framework for integrating process improvement into business process outsourcing

Fernando Picasso
Proprietary equipment, training and performance: An absorptive capacity approach

Ben Schneider
The effect of combinative strategies oriented towards efficiency and resilience in information technology consulting services firms

Room: QAF15
8:30-9:40 (26/06)
Operational Excellence #10 (OE-10)

Balázs Kocsi
Time- and cost-oriented failure mode and effects analysis based on Monte-Carlo simulation

Patrick Rigot-Muller
Ship routing and scheduling for the assembly of a LNG plant in the arctic: A decision support system

Attila Soti
NLP analysis of incident and problem descriptions

Room: QBF08
8:30-10:00 (26/06)
Operations in the Public Sector #7 (OPS-7)

Dotun Adebanjo
Key Success Factors for co-ordinated benchmarking projects using the TRADE benchmarking model: Lessons from Dubai

Ingo Kregel
Assessing the readiness of public administration’s organisational culture for business process management

John Mo
Requirements Analysis for effective operations management in the modernization of defence forces

Mervi Vähätalo
Institutional logics and efficiency pressures in public organizations: What about the healthcare sector?

Room: QBF12
8:30-9:40 (26/06)
Servitization and Service Innovation in the Digital Age #9 (SSIDA-9)

Patricia Carolina Garcia Martin
Servitization business value: An ego-network perspective

Jeff Jia
Cross-border e-commerce firms as supply chain integrator: A service dominant logic perspective

Marin Jovanovic
Hunters and farmers: Unpacking the silo syndrome of product-service business units

Room: QBF13
8:30-9:40 (26/06)
Servitization and Service Innovation in the Digital Age #10 (SSIDA-10)

Daniel Andrews
Telling tales of transformation: Towards a prescriptive framework for storytelling to engage stakeholders with advanced services

Lina Sundén
How to design revenue models for smart connected products

Petra Müller-Csernetzky
Ecosystems innovation for smart connected services

Room: QA403
8:30-10:00 (26/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #13 (SCMM-13)

Imre Dimény
Implementation of parametric analysis of OFC and RHS parameters of LP models to support operations management decisions using AIMMS

Lisa Hedvall
Buffers in Capacity Management: A multiple case study

Patrik Jonsson
Visualizing and mitigating delivery schedule deficiencies and inaccuracies using big data analytics

Sanja Stanisavljev
Determining optimal manufacturing order quantity by the method of monitoring production cycle time in small and medium enterprises

Room: Simonyi
8:30-10:00 (26/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #14 (SCMM-14)

Ann Vereecke
S&OP and budgeting: Living apart together?

Sumeer Chakuu
Exploring the role of logistics service provider in supporting the supply chain strategy using Supply Chain finance instruments

Norma Harrison
The role of customer leverage in process innovation: Moderating effect from market dynamics

Niraj Kumar
Investigating the barriers and opportunities of circular economy in the manufacturing sector

10:00-10:30   Break

Parallel sessions

Room: QB402
10:30-12:00 (26/06)
Corporate Social Responsibility #8 (CSR-8)

Mauro Fracarolli Nunes
Back to the future: Updating logistics customer service through green transportation

Juliana Hsuan
Marketization and operationalization of ship recycling

Marlene M. Reinsch
The attitude-behaviour gap in apparel purchasing – analysis of factors inhibiting fair fashion consumption

Eugenia Rosca
Inclusion of marginalized actors in local Supply Chains: A cluster analysis and implications for global Supply Chains

Room: QB404
10:30-12:00 (26/06)
Corporate Social Responsibility #9 (CSR-9)

Baoyang Ding
Pharmaceutical product recall in China: Challenges and negative public perceptions mitigations

Kelsey Taylor
Building inclusive Supply Chains: Integrating base of the pyramid producers

Seongtae Kim
The consequences of squeezing truckers

Tobias Rebs
The current use and future potential of theories, methods, and applications in qualitative and quantitative SSCM research

Room: QA139
10:30-11:40 (26/06)
Innovative Education #4 (INNEDU-4)

Anna Fredriksson
Using computer based multi-actor multi-criteria evaluation methods in master logistics classes

Ágnes Jenei
Hungarian public administration: Creation a new service culture

Alexandra Tamás
Evaluation of decision making of teams in business simulation games using DEA

Room: QA403
10:30-12:00 (26/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #15 (SCMM-15)

Nicole Hietschold
Flexible and scalable production logistics for technology-oriented start-ups

Iara Tonissi Moroni Cutovoi
Remanufacturing: A study from the perspective of Relational View

Jill MacBryde
Environmental practices in UK breweries

Konrad Pawlikowski
How electrified car concepts effect automotive logistics

Room: Simonyi
10:30-12:00 (26/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #16 (SCMM-16)

Tarun Kumar Agrawal
Classification of traceability information in textile and clothing supply chain: A Delphi-based approach

Antony Paulraj
The role of knowledge acquisition and knowledge exploitation in driving proactive environmental sustainability

Sara Harper
Towards a conceptual model of manufacturing supply chain configuration for EU textile and apparel industry

Ines Schulze Horn
The art of negotiating: Designing competition through mechanism design theory

Room: QA202 ! CHANGE
10:30-12:10 (26/06)
Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing #17 (SCMM-17)

David Raborale Pooe
Proposing a framework to minimise challenges in the South African construction industry

Javad Feizabadi
End-to-End Supply Shain strategy: A consumer packaged goods industry perspective

Lise Haukeberg
The ambidextrous organization in regional and global manufacturing networks – explorative enough?

Alexander Holliman
Planning Product design & development – resource-influencing factors based on experience

Min Zhang
Supply Chain Quality Management and product recall: A multi-method research

Room: Simonyi
12:10-13:00 (26/06)
Plenary #3 (PLENARY-3)

László Palkovics
Higher education for innovation

13:00-13:30   Closing ceremony
13:30-14:30   Lunch

27 June 2018 (Wednesday)

08:00-20:30   Plant tour and cultural visit
[read more >>]