The 63rd International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA2015) will be held in Budapest, Hungary, August 23-27, 2015. The aim of the congress is to bring together scientists involved in natural product research and representatives of the medicinal plant industry to discuss the latest results and future challenges of this field.
The conference covers natural product research from phytochemical studies (including chromatographic separation and structure elucidation of natural products, analytical methods and techniques) to phytopharmacological and clinical studies of herbal medicinal products. The scientific programme will include plenary lectures by invited speakers, and keynote talks on recent topics of natural product research, as well as contributed lectures and poster presentations. The congress will also provide ample opportunities for the participants to interact with international speakers on different topics.
Scientific contributions in other topics related to natural product research will also be welcome.
As a sponsor or exhibitor at the GA2015 you can testify your enthusiasm to the field of natural products research. Your products and services can be presented to a motivated and well informed specialist public, including opinion leaders decision-makers and of the research centres of natural product research and medicinal plant industry from all over the world. In short, they are your present and new customers. The average participant number on GA congresses is about 700-800 persons. This congress offers an excellent place to promote your products and services to interested specialists.
If you are interested in exhibiting at GA2015, Diamond Congress Ltd., our partner for the congress organization, offers sponsoring and exhibition packages as well as custom-made solutions to help you to find the connection to your partners.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Budapest in 2015.
Prof. Judit Hohmann Dr. Dezső Csupor
Co-Chairs of the Congress