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Sunday, August 23, 2015

9:00-16:15Pre-congress symposium     Bartók Hall     (program >> | details>>)
13:00-17:30Regulatory Affairs Workshop     Lehár Hall     (program>>)
13:00-17:009th Young Researchers Workshop     Liszt I-II Hall / Liszt III Hall parallelly     (program>>)
19:00-21:00Welcome Reception

Monday, August 24, 2015

8:00 –Registration
9:00-9:35Opening Ceremony     Pátria Hall
Chair: Matthias Hamburger
9:35-10:10Bionorica Phytoneering Award lecture     Pátria Hall
10:10-10:20Planta Medica Best Paper Award     Pátria Hall
10:20-11:05Plenary Lecture 1     Pátria Hall
Chair: Luc Pieters
Approaches and progress toward bioactive leads from Fungi
Oberlies, Nicholas H. – United States
11:05-11:35Coffee Break
11:35-12:20Plenary Lecture 2     Pátria Hall
Chair: Wolfgang Blaschek
3D feature-based pharmacophore models: efficient tools for profiling natural products
Langer, Thierry – Austria
12:30-13:30Short Lecture
Session 1A   
Pátria Hall
Pharmacokinetics of phytochemicals
Chair: Veronika Butterweck
Short Lecture
Session 1B    
Bartók Hall
New opportunities for biotechnology and cell biology
Chair: Anastasia Karioti
Short Lecture
Session 1C    
Liszt Hall
From natural products toward potential drug leads
Chair: Anna Rita Bilia

Ion mobility spectrometry for detection of Cannabis sativa L. metabolites from exhaled breath
Kayser, O., Vautz, W.,
Hariharan, C.

Learning from plants – Microbial production of plant specialized compounds
Crocoll, C., Mirza, N.M., Reichelt, M., Halkier, B.A.
Investigation of euphrasianins as novel chemotaxonomic lipid markers of Euphrasia species
Lorenz, P., Knittel, D.N., Conrad, J., Stintzing, F.C.,
Kammerer, D.R.
 12:45-13:00Pre-clinical pharmacokinetics of the hERG blocking iboga alkaloid voacangine from Voacanga africana
Mair, C.E., Silva, C.M., Grienke, U., Carreño, F., Kratz, J.M., Dalla Costa, T., Rollinger, J.M.
DNA Authentication of Raw Herbal Drugs for Industrial Quality Assurance
Slater, A., Cayrou, C., Howard, C., Scheyhing, U., Schötz, K., Sgamma, T., Williams, S., Koch, E.
 Epicatechinoceanothic acid A and B, novel catechin-bonded ceanothane-type triterpenoids isolated from roots of Ziziphus jujuba
Kang, K.B., Kim, H.W., Jeong, A.J., Ye, S.K., Sung, S.H.
 13:00-13:15High-throughput prediction of passive intestinal absorption of natural products and plant extracts with the PAMPA assay
Petit, C., Bujard, A., Skalicka-Woźniak, K., Cretton, S., Houriet, J., Christen, P., Carrupt, P.A., Wolfender, J.L.
Relative transcript analysis of a UDP glycosyltransferase and salidroside content in response to biotransformation of precursors in Rhodiola rosea L. callus culture
Mirmazloum, I., Kiss-Baba, E., Ladányi, M., Pedryc, A.,
György, Zs.
Distribution and HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS characterization of diarylheptanoids in several Central European species of the Fagales
Alberti, A., Riethmüller, E., Tóth, A., Tóth, G., Béni, Sz., Kéry, Á.
 13:15-13:30Herbal medicinal products: Synergy in pharmacology and toxicology
Kelber, O., Abdel-Aziz, H.,
Schrenk, D.
Using xanthohumol as a tool to reveal an AMPK-mediated boost of the Nrf2/HO1 signalling axis
Zimmermann, K., Dirsch, V.M., Heiss, E.
Chemistry and biological activity of molecules derived from Isatis tinctoria
Riepl, H., Aminake, M.A.N.,
Prokop, A.
 13:30-15:00Lunch Break
 15:00-15:45Plenary Lecture 3     Pátria Hall
Chair: Michael Heinrich
African perspectives on natural product research based on ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological knowledge

Van Wyk, Ben-Erik – South Africa
16:00-17:00Short Lecture
Session 2A    
Pátria Hall
Clinical and observational studies with herbal products
Chair: Sibylle Buchwald-Werner
Short Lecture
Session 2B    
Bartók Hall
Medicinal plants in the treatment of chronic diseases
Chair: Robert Fürst
Short Lecture
Session 2C    
Liszt Hall
From natural products toward potential drug leads
Chair: Deniz Tasdemir
 16:00-16:15Never-ending Cranberry story: In vivo, ex vivo and in vitro studies indicate that tannin-depleted extracts from Vaccinum macrocarpum inhibit bacterial adhesion of uropathogenic E. coli by blocking FimH adhesion
Hensel, A., Rafsanjany, N.
The impact of birch bark triterpenes on keratinocytes derived from diabetic donors
Wardecki, T., Werner, P., Thomas, M., Templin, M., Schmidt, G., Brandner, J., Merfort, I.
A novel anti-chemoresistance agent designed from natural products by targeting GSTO
Yang, J-C., Jang, Y-J.,
Chuang, D-W., Wu, Y-C.
16:15-16:30Sabal serrulata – an assessment of clinical studies in LUTS
Görne, R., Wegener, T.,
Feistel, B., Kelber, O., Reichling, J.
Glycosylated compounds from immature okra fruits inhibit the adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to gastric cells
Thoele, C., Koenig, S., Siva, K., Hensel, A.
Specific role of oxidized species in the bioactivity of two antioxidants: apigenin and 20-hydroxyecdysone
Dankó, B., Csábi, J., Hsieh, T.J., Wang, H.C., Vidakovic, M., Trouillas, P., Tóth, G.,
Hunyadi, A.
16:30-16:45Quality, bioavailability and clinical application of a new lecithin delivery system of Boswellia serrata extract
Riva, A., Morazzoni, P., Appendino, G,, Abdel-Tawab, M.
A Phytomedicine Approach to Stem Cell Modulation for Heart Regeneration
Schade, D.
Phytohormone derivatives targeted to several cancer hallmarks
Strnad, M., Kryštof, V., Jorda, R., Řezníčková, E., Gucký, T., Zatloukal, M.
16:45-17:00Ficus carica (fig) paste supplementation in patients with multiple sclerosis associated constipation; a double blind randomized clinical trial
Sardari. M., Rezaeizadeh, H., Minaei, B., Heydari, M.
Exploring for bioactive secondary metabolites from the Chinese medicinal mangroves
Guo, Y.W.
Cytotoxic xanthones isolated from the stem bark of Malaysian bintangor trees, Calophyllum spp
Mah, S.H., Ee, G.C.L., Teh, S.S.
 17:00-19:10Poster Session 1 – “Posters & Wine”
List of posters>>

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

9:00-9:45 Plenary Lecture 4     Pátria Hall
Chair: Jürg Gertsch
The Cannabis plant and the endocannabinoids: how an ancient medical plant helps uncovering of a major signaling system in our body
Katona, István – Hungary
9:45-10:30Plenary Lecture 5     Pátria Hall
Chair: Jürg Gertsch
Natural substances and neurodegenerative diseases: From molecular mechanisms to clinical effects
Eckert, Anne – Switzerland
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-11:35Egon Stahl-Award in Silver lecture     Pátria Hall
11:35-11:55The Centenary Anniversary of RIMPH Research Institute for Medicinal Plants and Herbs, Budakalasz/Hungary – The 100 years of peace and war botanicals in the first industrial R&D center of MPHs in EU
Pallos, J. P. – Hungary     Pátria Hall
12:00-13:30Short Lecture
Session 3A     Pátria Hall
Metabolomics in Medicinal Plant Research
Chair: Rudolf Bauer
Short Lecture
Session 3B     Bartók Hall
From natural products toward potential drug leads
Chair: De-an Guo
Short Lecture
Session 3C     Liszt Hall
Medicinal plants and natural products in animal healthcare and veterinary medicine
Chair: Jacobus N. Eloff

A Comprehensive Platform for the Identification and Mode of Action Characterization of Bioactive Natural Products from Complex Libraries
Linington, R.G.

Redefining natural product screening and characterization using MS technologies
Rodriguez, C.D., Isaac, G., Yuk, J., Patel, D., Qiao, L., Wrona, M., Diehl, D., Yu, K.
Medical efficacy of Ayurvedic herbs in reducing SCC of dairy cattle under Dutch conditions
Groot, M., Raeijmaeckers, L., Thybaut, R., Nij Bijvank, H., van ‘t Hooft, K., Vreriks, M.
12:15-12:30Xanthones from the bitter plants Gentiana lutea, Centaurium erythraea, and Frasera caroliniensis (Gentianaceae) inhibit vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation
Waltenberger, B., Liu, R., Atanasov, A., Schwaiger, S., Heiss, E.H., Dirsch, V.M., Stuppner, H.
Flavonoids present in ruminant diet affect the contractility of bovine isolated abomasum specimens
Mendel, M., Chłopecka, M., Dziekan, N., Karlik, W.
12:30-12:45Metabolomics and dereplication strategies in the discovery of natural product derived drugs
Tawfike, A.F., Tawfik, N., Edrada-Ebel, R.
Neuroactive alkaloids from Psychotria (Rubiaceae) are SIRT inhibitors
Simoes-Pires, C.A., Passos, C.S., Ryckewaert, L., Sacconnay, L., Guerra, M.C., Kato, L., Oliveira, C.M.,
Nurisso, A.
Impetus of phytogenics on broiler performance during periods of infectious stresses
Syed, B.A.S.
12:45-13:00A metabolomic and phytochemical based study of Rhodiola species sourced from Asia and Europe
Booker, A.J., Zhai, L.,
Heinrich, M.
Ursolic acid and 12-O-methylcarnosic acid from the leaves of Rosmarinus officinalis L. suppressed melanin production with downregulation of tyrosinase expression in HMV-II melanoma cells
Kai, H., Maeda, A., Nagatomo, A., Tahara, N., Koura, S., Matsuno, K.
Controlling gastro-intestinal nematodes of goats with plant extracts
Lèbre, A., Harinck, E., Bouy, M., Heckendorn, F.
13:00-13:15Metabolomics and chemoinformatics approaches to identify natural compounds of interest from Asteraceae
Rosa, A.L., Oliveira, T.B., Da Costa, F.B.
Enriching the biologically relevant space sampled by natural products through biotransformations: speeding up the natural-product based drug discovery process
Tzakos, A., Chatzikonstantinou, A., Gerothanassis, I., Chatziathanasiadou, M., Stamatis, C., Sayyad, N.
Role of Ethno-veterinary Practices (EVP) in reducing antimicrobial resistance in livestock production systems: a field experience
Nair, B.M.N., Natesan, N.P., Kempanna, K.
13:15-13:30High-resolution fungal plasma membrane H+-ATPase profiling combined with hyphenated HPLC-HRMS-SPE-NMR for identification of antifungal constituents in plants
Staerk, D.
α-Glucosidase Inhibiting Compounds from Justicia secunda VAHL (Acanthaceae) – from HPTLC Bioautography Screening to Isolation and Structure Elucidation
Theiler, B.A., Istvanits, S., Zehl, M., Urban, E., Marcourt, L., Espinoza, C.U.O., Glasl, S.
Selected oral presentation from the 9th Young Researchers Workshop
13:30-15:00Lunch Break
13:45-15:00GA-Networking Workshop on Animal Healthcare and Veterinary Medicine      Bartók Hall
15:00-15:45Plenary Lecture 6     Pátria Hall
Chair: Judith Rollinger
Computational approaches to natural products-based lead discovery
Schneider, Gisbert – Switzerland
15:45-16:30Plenary Lecture 7     Pátria Hall
Chair: Judith Rollinger
Limitations of in vitro Assessments of the Drug Interaction Potential of Botanical Supplements
Markowitz, John S. – United States
16:30-17:00Coffee Break
17:00-18:15Short Lecture
Session 4A     Pátria Hall
Medicinal plants in the treatment of chronic diseases
Chair: Sandra Apers
Short Lecture
Session 4B     Bartók Hall
Quality assessment of medicinal plants, phytomedicines and herbal dietary supplements 
Chair: Nikolas Fokialakis
Short Lecture
Session 4C     Liszt Hall
From natural products toward potential drug leads 
Chair: Sami A. Khalid
17:00-17:15Haemanthus coccineus extract shows profound anti-inflammatory actions in vitro and in vivo due to its main alkaloid narciclasine
Fuchs, S., Hsieh, L.T., Saarberg, W., Erdelmeier, C.A.J., Wichelhaus, T.A., Schaefer, L., Koch, E., Fürst, R.
UHPLC-qTOF-MS, and SFC-qTOF-MS, combined with traveling wave ion mobility, enables a more comprehensive and reliable analysis, of plant metabolites
Malitsky, S., Rogachev, I., Aharoni, A., Tishbee, A.
Antiadhesive effect of Agropyron repens L. rhizome extract against uropathogenic E. coli and pinpointing (E)-hexadecyl 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl) acrylate as active ingredient
Sarshar, S., Hensel, A.
17:15-17:30Non-cellulosic glucans as novel initiators for human keratinocyte differentiation: a new approach for wound healing
Esch, S., Zacharski, D., Brandt, S., König, S., Ulrich-Merzenich, G., Hensel, A.
Plant-associated Fungi in Plantago lanceolata L.: effects on plant drug quality and the bioactive natural products
Gonda, S., Szűcs, Zs., Kiss-Szikszai, A., Vasas, G.
Antifungal activity of quinoline alkaloids from Waltheria indica
Cretton, S., Dorsaz, S., Favre-Godal, Q., Azzollini, A., Marcourt, L., Wolfender, J.L., Cuendet, M., Christen, P.
17:30-17:45Gastroprotective activity of the rhizome ethanol extract of Zingiber simaoense Y. Y. Qian in rats
Baiubol, P., Kunanusorn, P., Khonsung, P., Chiranthanut, N., Panthong, A., Rujjanawate, C.
The (complete) species composition (plants and Fungi) of two commercial samples of Salviae officinalis folium
Lukas, B., Schmiderer, C., Novak, J.
Callyaerins, cyclic peptides from the Indonesian marine sponge Callyspongia aerizusa with Potent and Selective Antitubercular Activity
Daletos, G., Hartmann, R., Kalscheuer, R., Proksch, P.
17:45-18:00Anti-inflammatory stilbenoids and cannabispiradienone derivatives from Tragopogon tommasinii Sch. Bip
Granica, S., Piwowarski, J.P., Randanzzo, A., Schneider, P., Żyżyńska-Granica, B., Zidorn, C.
Bryophyllum pinnatum, a herbal product used in obstetrics and gynecology: New insights into its pharmacological actions and chemical constituents
Potterat, O., Oufir, M., Seiler, C., Gerodetti, M., Gerber, J., Wächter, R., Simoes-Wüst, A.P., Mennet-von Eiff, M.,
Brenneisen, R., von Mandach, U., Hamburger, M.
Search for antifungal compounds using a susceptible strain of Candida albicans and in vivo activity with the Galleria mellonella model
Favre-Godal, Q., Dorsaz, S., Queiroz, E.F., Ebrahimi, S., Marcourt, L., Gupta, M., Sanglard, D.
18:00-18:15Bronchipret® film-coated tablets exert potent anti-inflammatory activity in a rat model of bronchoalveolitis
Seibel, J., Ammendola, A., Haunschild, J., Lehner, M.D.
Enzymatic bioautography on HPTLC: combined phytochemical and activity screening tool for quality assessment and in vitro cultivation bioprocess control for selected medicinal plants from the Balkan region
Wolfram, E., Bräm, S.,
Kalina, D., Meier, B.
Antiparasitic neolignans from leaves of Nectandra leucantha
Lago, J.H.G., Grecco, S.S., Tempone, A.G.,
Costa-Silva, T.A., Jerz, G.
18:30-20:30GA Members Meeting     Bartók Hall

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

 9:00-9:45Plenary Lecture 8     Pátria Hall
Chair: Andreas Hensel
From traditional uses of Mesoamerican medicinal plants to modern phytotherapy in Guatemala
Cáceres, Armando – Guatemala
 9:45-10:30Plenary Lecture 9     Pátria Hall
Chair: Andreas Hensel
Helichrysum italicum: back to medicine from the tinsel of luxury
Appendino, Giovanni – Italy
 10:30-11:00Coffee Break
 11:00-12:30Short Lecture
Session 5A     Pátria Hall
From natural products toward potential drug leads
Chair: Dezső Csupor
Short Lecture
Session 5B     Bartók Hall
Ethnobothany and ethnopharmacology
Chair: Christian Agyare
Short Lecture
Session 5C     Liszt Hall
Natural products in CNS-related diseases 
Chair: Oliver Kayser
 11:00-11:15Semi-synthetic preparation, structural elucidation and pharmacological study of nitrogen-containing ecdysteroid analogs
Vágvölgyi, M., Martins, A., Csábi, J., Dankó, B., Molnár, J., Tóth, G., Hunyadi, A.
Anthelmintic effects of tannin-rich plants and oligomeric proanthocyanidin clusters against parasitic and free-living nematodes
Spiegler, V., Raue, K.,
Strube, C., Liebau, E.,
Hensel, A.
Effects of a Melissa officinalis special extract on mood and cognitive function
Buchwald-Werner, S.,
Vazquez, I.
11:15-11:30Charting biological activity in chemical property space using ChemGPS-NP
Backlund, A., Buonfiglio, R., Henz, A., Vikeved, E., Lai, K.H., Kogej, T.
Osteoprotective activity from Pholidota articulata Lindley (Orchidaceae): A traditional plant used for healing fractures in Uttarakhand Himalaya, India
Sharma, C., Arya, K.R.,
Singh, D.
The blood-brain barrier permeability properties of plant N-alkylamides
Veryser, L., Wynendaele, E., De Spiegeleer, B.
11:30-11:452, 3-dehydrosilybin: A new potent inhibitor of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase from Trypanosoma brucei identified by in silico screening and an enzyme inhibition assay
Herrmann, F.C., Schmidt, T.J.
Rationalization of the traditional use of Antidesma ghaesembilla to treat hormone related disorders
Schäfer, S., Broschk, S., Kurras, S., Schwaiger, S., Stuppner, H., Vollmer, G., Wober, J.
Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. prevents cognitive dysfunction and energy and glucose dysreguation in rats with experimentally induced memory loss
Park, S., Ko, B.S., Ryuk, J.
11:45-12:00Availability and quality of biomass as key factor for large scale isolation of natural products
Cvak, L.
The preliminary study searching a potential activity of Lamium album extracts as a background for their traditional use
Czerwińska, M.E., Kiss, A.K.
Preclinical evidence for rational use of bergamot essential oil in pain trials
Bagetta, G., Berliocchi, L., Rombolà, L., Morrone, L.A., Sakurada, T., Corasaniti, M., Sakurada, S.
12:00-12:15Separation and purification of nine platycosides from Platycodi Radix by pHPLC and a flash-freeze treatment
Zeng, L., Zhong, J., Zhu, M., Yan, W.
Anti-hyperuricemia natural products from medicinal plants used by local tribes in Indonesia
Kusuma, I.W., Arung, E.T., Ramadhan, R., Aryani, F.,
Kim, Y.U.

Structural modification of xanthohumol C and the effect on inducing differentiation in neural precursor cells
Urmann, C., Kirchinger, M., Bieler, L., Couillard-Després, S., Aigner, L., Riepl, H.
12:15-12:30Selected oral presentation from the 9th Young Researchers WorkshopKew’s medicinal plant names services (MPNS) enable effective information retrieval and communication
Dauncey, E.A., Irving, J., Black, N., Edwards, S.E., Patmore, K., Paton, A., Allkin, R.
Salicin from willow bark can modulate neurite outgrowth in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells
Wölfle, U., Haarhaus, B., Kersten, A., Fiebich, B.
 12:30-14:10Lunch Break
 14:10-16:10Poster Session 2 with Coffee Break 
List of posters>>
 16:10-16:40Closing Ceremony     Pátria Hall
17:30-23:00Congress Dinner

 Thursday, August 27, 2015

8:00-17:00Excursion day