Scientific contributions in other topics related to natural product research are also welcome.
In addition to plenary and highlight lectures we offer space for more than 80 short lectures (10 + 5 min) and high-quality posters related to the topics of the meeting and to relevant subjects of medicinal plant research and natural product chemistry.
Please note that all scientific contributions (including poster presentations) are subjected to an extensive review process; only high-quality abstracts will be accepted. All accepted abstracts will be provided free of charge to all conference participants in electronic form on a pendrive, and published later in a special conference issue of PLANTA MEDICA. (Please note that accepted abstracts which are not presented during the conference because of absence of the presenting author will not be published in PLANTA MEDICA.)
Please note that submission of abstracts requires prior registration of at least one author via the conference website ( A link to the abstract submission platform will become available only after successful registration. One author can submit up to two abstracts. Please note that the abstract submission system used by GA is technically separate from the general conference registration system. It will hence be necessary that you input your profile data at 2 different stages during the registration and abstract submission process.
Deadline for abstract submission is April 15, 2015. Notification of acceptance or rejection and publication of accepted abstracts will follow by June 15, 2015.
The conference language is English and all abstracts must be submitted in English. Do not fax, mail or email your abstract as it will not be considered. Only abstracts submitted via the online submission system can be considered.
Abstracts should be concise but with results and discussion (e.g., sentences such as “results will be presented” are not acceptable). Abstracts will undergo a strict peer review process. Submissions without definite results will not be accepted. Basic text formatting (font style and size, line spacing, margins, typographic alignment etc.) will be done by the publishing company during the final production of the conference proceedings. Authors should follow the Guidelines for Authors of Planta Medica available at
During the submission process you will be offered a very simple web-based text editor. It will be possible to copy & paste prepared texts from any word processing program. The following character formatting options are available: bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, subscript and superscript. Special characters (α, β, γ, δ etc.) are also available. Unlike text, pictures cannot be copied and pasted into the editor: the have to be uploaded separately. After the upload, you will find that a link associated with the picture appears above the editor. When this link is clicked, the picture will be inserted at the current cursor position in the text window. Pictures will be printed in grayscale without any post-processing. The size and position will be harmonized with the final layout of the conference proceedings. The usage of high quality images is recommended. Please keep in mind that images should still be clearly recognizable even when they are reduced in size during the typesetting process.
/submission is available after pre-registration/
Some practical tips: