Length of each short presentation is 15 minutes (precisely 15 min.: 10 min. presentation + 5 min. discussion). If one author cannot finish the presentation in time there will be no possibility to discuss the research scope.
Please prepare your presentation in .ppt, .pptx (Microsoft Office PowerPoint 1997-2013 format) or .pdf file. Please avoid using videos embedded in your show. If you wish to have a video, please contact the technician in the “file upload room” in a break before your presentation (or preferably earlier) to check it in advance.
Please note that using your own notebook is NOT ALLOWED.
There will be two poster sessions held during the conference:
Posters left on the boards after the removal deadline will be removed by the organisers.
The posters should be prepared for standard STANDING (PORTRAIT) A/0 size (84 x 119 cm – 1 sqm).
The organisers provide all equipments to mount you poster to the board at the conference venue.